Wright State University Lake Campus/2016-1/Phy1060/T2 upgrade

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At 9am a new moon would be}

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1. At 9am a new moon would be}

At 6pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

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2. At 6pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

At 3pm a full moon would be}

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3. At 3pm a full moon would be}

At 6pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

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4. At 6pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

At 9pm a full moon would be}

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5. At 9pm a full moon would be}

At midnight a waning gibbous moon would be}

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6. At midnight a waning gibbous moon would be}

At 9pm a third quarter moon would be}

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7. At 9pm a third quarter moon would be}

At 9am a waxing crescent moon would be}

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8. At 9am a waxing crescent moon would be}

At noon a waning gibbous moon would be}

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9. At noon a waning gibbous moon would be}

At 6pm a waning crescent moon would be}

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10. At 6pm a waning crescent moon would be}

____ motion is in the usual direction, and _______ is motion that has temporarily reversed itself.

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11. ____ motion is in the usual direction, and _______ is motion that has temporarily reversed itself.

Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

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12. Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

When the faster moving Earth overtakes a slower planet outside Earth's orbit

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13. When the faster moving Earth overtakes a slower planet outside Earth's orbit

Which planet spends more days in a given retrograde?

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14. Which planet spends more days in a given retrograde?

Which planet has more days between two consecutive retrogrades?

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15. Which planet has more days between two consecutive retrogrades?

A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

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16. A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

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17. If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

Planet comes from the Greek word for 'wanderer'.

[edit | edit source]

18. Planet comes from the Greek word for 'wanderer'.

We know that Galileo saw Neptune, but is not credited with its discovery because

[edit | edit source]

19. We know that Galileo saw Neptune, but is not credited with its discovery because

Kepler began his career as a teacher of

[edit | edit source]

20. Kepler began his career as a teacher of

Kepler is also known for his improvements to

[edit | edit source]

21. Kepler is also known for his improvements to

In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

[edit | edit source]

22. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of mathematics

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23. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of mathematics

In Kepler's era, astronomy closely linked to astrology

[edit | edit source]

24. In Kepler's era, astronomy closely linked to astrology

In Kepler's era, physics (how and why things moved) was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

[edit | edit source]

25. In Kepler's era, physics (how and why things moved) was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

Kepler incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work

[edit | edit source]

26. Kepler incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work

Kepler avoided religious arguments and reasoning in his work

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27. Kepler avoided religious arguments and reasoning in his work

How would one describe the status of Kepler's family when he was a child?

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28. How would one describe the status of Kepler's family when he was a child?

As a child, Kepler's interest in astronomy grew as a result of

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29. As a child, Kepler's interest in astronomy grew as a result of

When Kepler's studies at the university were over, what he really wanted to do was

[edit | edit source]

30. When Kepler's studies at the university were over, what he really wanted to do was

Which of the following is NOT associated with Kepler's Laws

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31. Which of the following is NOT associated with Kepler's Laws

As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated at one focal point of the ellipse

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32. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated at one focal point of the ellipse

As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated midway between the two focal points of the ellipse

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33. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated midway between the two focal points of the ellipse

Newton was able to use the motion of the Moon to calculate the universal constant of gravity, G

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34. Newton was able to use the motion of the Moon to calculate the universal constant of gravity, G

The force of (gravitational) attraction between you and a friend is small because neither of you possess significant mass

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35. The force of (gravitational) attraction between you and a friend is small because neither of you possess significant mass

Cavendish finally measured G by carefully weighing the force between

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36. Cavendish finally measured G by carefully weighing the force between

[*Image:Discovery Rupes (rotated).jpg|thumb|horizontal crack|400px]] The horizontal crack along the center of figure is a

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horizontal crack

The horizontal crack along the center of figure is a

Antipodal to Caloris Basin is

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38. Antipodal to Caloris Basin is

A volatile is a substance that

[edit | edit source]

39. A volatile is a substance that

The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of ___ and ___.

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40. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of ___ and ___.

If the universe is mostly hydrogen, why aren't terrestrial planets made of mostly hydrogen?

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41. If the universe is mostly hydrogen, why aren't terrestrial planets made of mostly hydrogen?

Mercury's atmosphere consists mostly of

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42. Mercury's atmosphere consists mostly of

In what sequence did Mercury's weird terrain and Caloris basin form?

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43. In what sequence did Mercury's weird terrain and Caloris basin form?

Very far from the sun, the heliosphere

[edit | edit source]

44. Very far from the sun, the heliosphere

A volatile is a substance that

[edit | edit source]

45. A volatile is a substance that

All planets lie within a nearly flat disc called the __________ plane

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46. All planets lie within a nearly flat disc called the __________ plane

The AU is

[edit | edit source]

47. The AU is

The Sun and Earth are about

[edit | edit source]

48. The Sun and Earth are about

The universe is about

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49. The universe is about

Roughly how much bigger is a gas planet than a terrestrial planet?

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50. Roughly how much bigger is a gas planet than a terrestrial planet?

Roughly how much bigger is a the Sun than a gas planet?

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51. Roughly how much bigger is a the Sun than a gas planet?

According to Wikipedia, if all the mass of the asteroid belt were combined to one object, it's mass would _______ times less than Earth's mass.

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52. According to Wikipedia, if all the mass of the asteroid belt were combined to one object, it's mass would _______ times less than Earth's mass.

[*File:The_View_from_Within_AU_Microscopii's_Disk.jpg|200px|thumb|planetary disk]]In this hypothetical image of a sun-like star we see a bright band of dust that we on Earth call zodiacal light. It is due to sunlight reflecting off dust in the

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planetary disk

In this hypothetical image of a sun-like star we see a bright band of dust that we on Earth call zodiacal light. It is due to sunlight reflecting off dust in the

In planetary science, the frost line refers to a distance away from

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54. In planetary science, the frost line refers to a distance away from

Oort's cloud was hypothesized to explain the source of

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55. Oort's cloud was hypothesized to explain the source of

According to Wikipedia _______ and ______ are referred to as volatiles.

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56. According to Wikipedia _______ and ______ are referred to as volatiles.

Which of the following list is properly ranked, starting with objects closest to the Sun?

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57. Which of the following list is properly ranked, starting with objects closest to the Sun?

When the sun turns into a red giant,

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58. When the sun turns into a red giant,

In astrophysics, what is accretion?

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59. In astrophysics, what is accretion?

Dwarf planets are defined as objects orbiting the Sun and smaller than planets, that?

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60. Dwarf planets are defined as objects orbiting the Sun and smaller than planets, that?

Dwarf planets have no natural satellites,

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61. Dwarf planets have no natural satellites,

Pluto is classified as

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62. Pluto is classified as

How many of the outer planets have rings?

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63. How many of the outer planets have rings?

Currently there are 7 billion people on Earth, if that ever increases to 10 billion people, for every person on Earth there will be ____ stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

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64. Currently there are 7 billion people on Earth, if that ever increases to 10 billion people, for every person on Earth there will be ____ stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is nearly circular.

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65. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is nearly circular.

The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is opposite that of the 8 planets.

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66. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is opposite that of the 8 planets.

The frost line is situated approximately

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67. The frost line is situated approximately