Workshop for Australian education policy/Challenges and opportunities

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Read/write video

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Video for schools non YouTube:

Australian Youtube uses:

Talking about school/language:

International Youtube video uses

Not curriculum but interesting re schools:


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  • Many students use YouTube at home.
  • Many families upload funny home videos to YouTube or images to flickr
  • Many families participate in funny home video on television.
  • News collecting agencies can video anyone(except prior to a court case)
  • It is legal to video crowds and events in a public space
  • Visible leadership: Blocking educational media from public spaces has a cultural risk. If students being constructive in school are not a part of the wider fabric of media glory on the internet then this reduces the quality of choices available as constructive practice and role models online. When students learn out of school they see school bullys and other efforts to make online glory through risk. Burying constructive glory is counterproductive.
  • Can you clean up the internet and keep it generative? If it's no longer potentially disruptive then its not generative - if it remains disruptive then someone will attempt to regulate it through motives of fear, respectability or profit.


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  • Video may identify students and locations.
  • Making a compliant video requires thinking about telling your story without telling about the people in it.
  • Currently people are working around blocks on compliant sites by uploading on YouTube instead.
  • Some people use online video to promote face2face bullying
  • What's OK, what isn't, age graded
  • Specific enough for objective review of complaints about 'too much identifying information'

Opportunities: Literacies for online communities

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Some wikipedia definitions for skills which are learned through participation:

  • reading including perception of the author and their context
    • choosing your own information sources
    • choosing your own authorities
  • writing for public presentation,
    • what register is appropriate for this audience
    • writing for meaning
    • writing to encourage participation
    • serial storytelling
    • student voice and leadership
    • attribution
  • expression and design
    • working with images for online use
    • colour and contrast
    • text and linking
  • language learning with peers who speak the language as a first language
  • participative audience and peer review
    • information about your local community or someone looking at the same ideas on the other side of the world, eg water, climate change,
    • exchanging currencies as math
    • participating in projects as contributors eg, wikipedia, google summers of code for schools, olpc, squeakland
  • games
    • game trade and economies
    • risk and profit
    • leading a clan
    • teamwork on skills
  • making
    • squeakland
    • olpc
    • ncss python course
    • making a network
    • rebuild a computer


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Closing or banning a:

  • site
  • blog
  • youtube
  • twitter account

Awarding grades in skills in participating in open spaces

  • students graduate through skill levels in online literacies

Parents participate

  • Parents contribute to project plans
  • How do students learn things which are not pre-planned.
  • Workflow to ok public upload?

Which attributes are agreed to be constructive?

  • goals
  • collaborations
  • school community
  • student work
  • assessment

Which attributes need negotiation?