Wikiphilosophers/Self-improvement/S. Perquin

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Try to focus on the path rather than the destination

As a person, you are constantly changing and never stay the same. What you set as your personal goal one day may not be your goal the next day. In doing so, you should also accept that some goals and aspirations are difficult or even impossible to achieve, but this does not mean that you should not pursue them. You should just be aware that not everything is within reach and that you can fail. And when you do, you will have learned from it and can set a new goal. You might do better to focus the path rather than the outcomes themselves. It's about the journey, not the destination. Life always turns out differently than you wish. You can both strive to improve yourself and accept your current state of being. You are good the way you are, but you can always become even better. And that is a quest that can take your whole life.

If on the one hand you always continue to strive to be a good person and on the other hand accept that you could not have been any different than you are, since all events unfold as they do, you recognize that you could not have been better at this moment than you are now. You have been shaped into the person you are now, and so you could not have been different, in my opinion, because everything ran the way it did. You have no control over the past, so you could let go of that anyway, but you do have control over what you do in your future. As long as you keep striving to be a good person, you'll be fine, I think.