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Web Science/Part2: Emerging Web Properties/How big is the World Wide Web/A simplistic descriptive model/quiz

From Wikiversity

1 Of How many words consists the following sentence: "John F. Kennedy visited New York."

The correct answer depends on the modelling choice that are not further specified here
all of the above are possible

2 Assuming sentences end with punctuation signs and everything between two successive whitespaces is considered a word. How many sentences and words can be counted in the following sequence: "John F. Kennedy visited New York"

1 Sentence with 6 words.
1 Sentence with 5 words.
2 Sentences with two words in the first sentence and 4 words in the second one
2 Sentences with two words in the first sentence and 3 words in the second one

3 You want to measure the size of the Simple English Wikipedia by counting words. Which of the following are strong assumptions creating an impact on the result?

Wikipedia is identical to the crawling of it
Words are separated by White space
all pages are reached by the crawler
The size should be measured in Byte