Upper Limb Orthotics/Dermatitis and Skin Complications

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Describe your case study

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For example:

The patient is a 23 year old female who suffered a crush injury at work. She works as a PE teacher at a high school, an air compressor fell off a shelf onto her arm where she was trapped. The patient has a fixed focal dystonia which has resulted in a flexion contracture the right wrist and digits.
The resting position of the wrist is 45 degrees of flexion, however, on manipulation this can be corrected to 22 degrees flexion. The digits are fully flexed (100 degrees) and the thumb is in an abducted (45 degrees) and flexed position (80 degrees).
The patient is currently undergoing botulism toxin treatment to try to reduce the contracture.
The patient would like to be able to return to work, playing basketball and complete self-care activities.

Written information

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  • Equivalent to 1500 words
  • This will be marked on the level 4 marking matrix.


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Write this section based on “Orthotic Treatment of (insert your pathology/case study here) in the Upperlimb”. Anatomy and Pathology: give an outline of the area and specific muscle groups affected. A summary of the pathology with specific reference to the upper limb. Don’t forget to reference.

Orthotic treatment options

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(this may include post-surgery)

Comparison of orthotic treatment options

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(or orthotic treatment vs surgical intervention)

Functional Aims and Goals

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Give a detailed description of the goals outlining the specific movements/activies that your orthosis is required to provide use the evidence described above to support this.


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Outline the design of your orthosis, this should include but is not limited to: technical drawings, force system diagrams (3 planes), materials of choice, attachment methods, trimlines and manufacturing procedure. Within this section, if you would choose to make your device from something other than LTT explain why and how this may affect the function of the device you manufacture.

Manufacturing process

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Document the manufacturing process of your device. This should be a step by step “how to guide” including photographs, patterns, fittings, adjustments etc.

Critique of fit

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You should base this critique on the your understanding of the critique process and the lecture you will receive in week 8. You will need to provide photographic or video evidence of the fit, function and operation of the force systems. Written support for your critique is fine if you choose to not video this.

Outcome measures

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There are a variety of outcome measures available for the upperlimb functional ability. Choose an appropriate measure (if you are having trouble finding some the TAC website for clinical resources here may be useful.

Complete this for your client (using your clinical knowledge and judgement) for before and after the client receives the orthosis. Choose activies that you believe the client would have improved on and video your client undertaking these whilst wearing their orthoses. Outline your finding. Provide images of the completed Outcome measure on your wikipage.

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