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Universal Bibliography/SF

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Type classification: this is a bibliography resource.

This part of the Universal Bibliography is a bibliography of SF.

The genre "SF" may abbreviate science fiction, science fantasy, science fact, scientifiction, space fiction, speculative fiction, structural fabulation, speculative fabulation, speculative futures, sonic futurism, surfiction, string figures, so far, etc.

See "SF" under "Series of classics" above.

See w:Category:Science fiction bibliographies


  • Briney and Wood. SF Bibliographies: An Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographical Works on Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction. 1972.  [1]
  • "Bibliographies". SFE [2]

Bibliographies and bibliography

  • A Research Guide to Science Fiction Studies: An Annotated Checklist of Primary and Secondary Sources for Fantasy and Science Fiction. 1977. [3]. Routledge Library: [4]
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, 1975-1991: A Bibliography of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Fiction Books and Nonfiction Monographs. [5]
  • Barron. Anatomy of Wonder 4: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. 4th Ed: 1995: [6]
  • Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. 1996. [7]
  • Macgill. Survey of Science Fiction Literature. 1979. [8]
  • Pringle. The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction: An A-Z of SF Books. 1990: [9]. The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction: An A-Z of Science-fiction Books by Title. 2nd Ed: 1995: [10].
  • Reginald, Menville and Burgess. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. 1979. [11]
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Series and Sequels: A Bibliography. 1986. [12]
  • Locke. Voyages in Space: A Bibliography of Interplanetary Fiction, 1801-1914. 1975. [13]
  • Erlich and Dunn. Clockworks: A Multimedia Bibliography of Works Useful for the Study of the Human/Machine Interface in SF. 1993.  [14]

Reader's guide

  • Searles. A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction. 1980. [15]
  • Herald and Kunzel. Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests. [16]

Particular publishers

  • Jaffery. Future and Fantastic Worlds: A Bibliographical Retrospective of DAW Books, 1972-1987. [17]


  • Wells (comp). The Science Fiction and Heroic Fantasy Author Index. 1978. [18]
  • Justice. Science Fiction Master Index of Names. 1986. [19]
  • Currey and Hartwell. Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction and Selected Nonfiction. 1979. [20]
  • Ash. Who's Who in Science Fiction. 1976. [21]
  • Reginald. Contemporary Science Fiction Authors. 1970. Reprint: 1974: [http]
  • Bleiler. Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. 1982. 1999. [22]
  • Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. 2009. [23]
  • Heaphy. 100 Most Popular Science Fiction Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. 2010. [24]
  • Yntema. More Than 100 Women Science Fiction Writers. 1988. [25]
  • Bloom. Classic Science Fiction Writers. 1995. [26]


  • Pringle. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels [27]
  • Broderick and Filippo. Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010. 2012. [28]


  • Siemon. Science Fiction Story Index, 1950-1968. 1971. [29]


  • Cole. A Checklist of Science-fiction Anthologies. 1964: [30]. 1975.
  • Contento. Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections. 1978. [31]

Reference sources

  • Burgess. Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. 1992. [32]
  • Justice (comp). Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Reference: An Annotated Bibliography of Works about Literature and Film. 1989. [33]


  • Sands and Frank. Back in the Spaceship Again: Juvenile Science Fiction Series Since 1945. 1999. [34]

Library collections

  • Science/Fiction Collections: Fantasy, Supernatural and Weird Tales


  • Luckhurst. Science Fiction: A Literary History. 2017. [35]
  • Canavan and Link. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. [36]
  • Roberts. The History of Science Fiction. 1st Ed: 2006: [37]. 2nd Ed: 2016. [38]
  • Westfahl. Science Fiction Literature through History: An Encyclopedia. 2021. [39]
  • Gunn. Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction. 3rd Ed: 2018. [40]
  • Lundwall. Science Fiction: An Illustrated History. 1978. [41]
  • Scholes and Rabkin. Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision. 1977. [42]
  • Rottensteiner. The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History. 1975. [43]
  • Aldiss. Billion Year Spree: The True History of Science Fiction. 1973. [44]
  • Bould and Vint. The Routledge Concise History of Science Fiction. 2011. [45]
  • Haley. Sci-fi Chronicles: A Visual History of the Galaxy's Greatest Science Fiction. 2014. [46]
  • Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy. [47]

20th century

  • Robinson. Science Fiction of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History. 1999. 2004. [48]
  • Lester Del Rey. The World of Science Fiction, 1926-1976: The History of a Subculture. Ballantine Books. 1979. [49]. Garland. 1980. [50]. Routledge Library Editions. [51]


  • Broderick. Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction. 1995. [52]
  • Gomel. Postmodern Science Fiction and Temporal Imagination. 2010. [53]
  • Puschmann-Nalenz. Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction: A Genre Study. 1992. [54]


  • Jeff Rovin. A Pictorial History of Science Fiction Films. Citadel Press. Secaucus, NJ. 1975. Bibliography: [55]
    • Meyers. A Pictorial History of Science Fiction Films from "Rollerball" to "Return of the Jedi". 1984. Bibliography: [56]


  • Mike Ashley. The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine.
    • Volume 1. The Time Machines: The Story of the Science - Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950. 2000. [57]
    • Volume 2. Transformations: The Story of the Science Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970. 2005. [58]
    • Volume 3. Gateways to Forever: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970 to 1980. 2007. [59]
    • Volume 4. Science-Fiction Rebels: the Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 To 1990. 2016. [60]


  • Science Fiction Studies


  • Clareson. Science Fiction Criticism: An Annotated Checklist. 1972. [61]


  • Science Fiction in Translation: Perspectives on the Global Theory and Practice of Translation

Braille etc

  • Science Fiction: A selected List of Books that have appeared in Talking Book Topics and Braille Book Review. 1979. [62]


  • Disch. On SF. 2005. [63]


  • Rieder, "On Defining SF, or Not: Genre Theory, SF, and History" (2010) 37 Science Fiction Studies 191 to 209 (No 2) [64]
  • Sharma. "Defining SF". Technoculture in Margaret Atwood’s Science Fiction Novels. 2023. Chapter 1. [65]

Science Fiction

  • Roberts. Science Fiction. 2nd Ed: 2006. [66]
  • Nick Hubble and Aris Mousoutzanis. The Science Fiction Handbook. A & C Black. 2013. [67]
  • The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction
  • The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction
  • Broderick. X, Y, Z, T: Dimensions of Science Fiction. 2004. [68]


  • Harbottle and Holland. British Science Fiction Paperbacks and Magazines, 1949-1956: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide. 1995. [69]
  • Suvin. Victorian Science Fiction in the UK: The Discourses of Knowledge and Power. 1983. [70]


  • Tymn. American Fantasy and Science Fiction: Toward a Bibliography of Works Published in the United States, 1948-1973. 1979. [71]
  • Clareson. Science Fiction in America, 1870s-1930s: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Sources. 1984. [72]
  • Franklin. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century: An Anthology. 1966. 1995. [73]


  • Suvin. Russian Science Fiction 1956-1974: A Bibliography. 1976. [74]


  • Nordic Visions: The Best of Nordic Speculative Fiction
  • Öberg. Spektakulärt nordisk science fiction-film 1916-2020. 2021. [75]


See v:sv:Svenskspråkig fantastik: bibliografi, w:Category:Swedish speculative fiction works and w:Category:Swedish speculative fiction writers

  • Jerry Määttä. Science fiction i Sverige 1950-1968: en bibliografi. Avdelningen för Litteratursociologi, Uppsala Universitet. 2008. [76]
  • Lundwall and Kjell. Bibliografi över Science Fiction och Fantasy, 1830-1961. Stockholm. 1962.
    • Lundwall. Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1772 - april 1964. 1964. [77]
    • Illustrerad bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973. Lindqvists. 2nd Ed: 1974. [78] Bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973. 1984. [79]
    • Bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1974-1983. 1985. [80]
    • Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1741-1996. 1997. [81]
  • Jörälv. Delta science fiction historik och bibliografi. 2023. [82]
  • Lundwall. Science fiction: från begynnelsen till våra dagar. 1969. [83]
  • Falk. Faktasin: den svenskspråkiga science fiction-litteraturens historia. 2020. [84]
  • "Sweden". SFE. [85]
  • Holmberg. Sf-guide om motiv i science fiction. 1977. [86]
  • Holmberg. Kvinnor i science fiction. 1982. [87]
  • Persson. Annorstädes. 2021. [88]