The Systems Development Life Cycle starts with User Goals, which are translated into Requirements, that lead to Functions, Specified within the Structure that becomes the Product delivered by to the User. The User compares Functions within the Structure to Goals and the process repeats.
A Simplified Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Users have Goals. They want to communicate. They want to feel smart. They want to be entertained. They want to make more money by doing less work. They achieve these Goals by using Products. If the Products do not work, they search for new Functions that will meet their Goals. Users Goals continually drive the life cycle.
The SDLC always begins with the Goals of the users of the system. At first, these Goals are expressed as vague wishes. An analyst must translate these goals into testable Functions. Together, the users, analysts, managers, and developers prioritize and describe the Functions that shall meet User Goals.
This initial description of User Requirements is crucial to project success.
Functions are system actions caused by Users. Functions must serve User Goals described in the Requirements. The Functions of the system lead to the more detailed Specification of the logical and physical system Structure. Functions describe WHAT must happen, then designers and developers specify HOW it happens in the Structure.
Structures both support and limit the system. Structures respond to the environment of the Users, as well as the capabilities of the developers. Structures provide interfaces, data, workflow, integration, safety, and security. Together, they are tested and delivered to the Users as a Product.
The Users interact with the Product. If the User's Goals are met in the Functions of the Product, the process continues allowing the User to discover new Goals and developers to add new Functions and Structures in the system.