Talk:Wikimedia Education Greenhouse/Unit 1 - Module 2

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Hi there! Welcome to a discussion space for the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse course. Use this space to find answers to the quizzes, share your thoughts about the topic in discussion, and provide additional resources and experiences to complement this module. Do drop us a line if you have any questions, comments, or feedback as well. Cheers!

Quiz answers

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Quiz: According to Darling-Hammond et al., teachers benefit more from practical hands-on training that addresses specific curriculum content and teaching strategies.
Answer: True

Quiz: Approaches to curriculum theory and design

  • Knowledge is something similar to a product that is manufactured: Curriculum as product
  • A curriculum, like the recipe for a dish, is first imagined as a possibility, then the subject of experiment: Curriculum as a process
  • It's important to pay careful attention to the way in which individuals and the group create understanding and practices: Curriculum as praxis
  • Economics, social structure, family dynamics, and power struggles all contribute to the learning process: Curriculum as context