Talk:Social Media/Sport

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Initial interest survey

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Sports Studies staff are considering introducing a first year unit call Sport and Social Media. This unit would explore forms of social media used informally and formally, place social media use in a range of sport contexts and explore wider ramifications of the use and future of social media in society generally. Could you please, voluntarily, help us plan to meet your needs by answering the following questions. we appreciate your input.

1. If you use social media regularly or frequently please indicate which form(s) of social media you use (tick as appropriate)

  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • Facebook
  • Wikipedia
  • Other __________

2. State how proficient you consider yourself with the social media you use? (tick one):

  • Expert
  • Reasonable
  • Beginner
  • Not at all

3. Would you find a unit on social media (tick one):

  • Very helpful
  • Helpful
  • Moderately helpful
  • Unhelpful
  • Of no help

4. Would you be able to bring a laptop this unit's lectures and tutorials?

  • Yes
  • No

5. What would you wish this unit to include? Responses:

  1. Fun interactive learning
  2. Relevance to sport management and link between sport and social management through technology
  3. No
  4. Learn how to make sport video
  5. Case studies of inappropriate behavior by elite athletes
  6. Information useful in working environment
  7. Sport news rumors. How to deal with media in different situation. a professional athelete coach. Use of social media in help of learning sport
  8. Positive and negatives, ramifications, better use etc. How it affects ppl.
  9. Sports media
  10. Current sporting issues
  11. Issues affecting sport
  12. Active sport
  13. Dos and donts
  14. That is could connect to social media
  15. Outside sport time, how sport affects media. how media affects sport
  16. Troubles faced by athletes. Ways sporting organisations use social media
  17. The influence sport has on social media, vise versa
  18. How sport journalists use social media in their day to day work
  19. Not just Australian Sport but international examples as well.
  20. The effects of social media on sport
  21. Influence of social media forms on athletes, how influential they can be on individual's perception by peers and how social media can create a false understanding of ones personality and morals
  22. Affects on athletes, family, club, etc psychologiocally
  23. Psychological impact on sports performance
  24. Responsibilities and how to overcome as athlete/coach
  25. How social media is changing modern sport
  26. Positive impact of social media. promotion of sport on media. advertisement. controversies. dangers of social media on Australian sports culture.
  27. Effect of social media on sports industry. How it can be used to our advantage.
  28. Problems and punishments for athletes using social media
  29. Relevance to sports coaching?
  30. Relevant material
  31. Ways to contact other people. Promotion of events
  32. Looking at social media globally
  33. Studies on athletes
  34. More interactive learning, real life examples. eg people coming in and talking about their experiences.
  35. Sports people in the media being unfairly portrayed
  36. Real life examples. How to manage these issues.
  37. Case studies, application to real life scenarios
  38. Implications of posting opinions and thoughts about games, competitions, officials, oppositions, etc
  39. How sport uses these. How this helps sport management.
  40. Use social media in sport controversies
  41. Controversies. how organisations use to market products. Impacts on reporting of sports.
  42. Content relevant to present issues and breaking stories.
  43. Content that shows a direct link between sport and social media, ie the impact that social media has on sport Journalism
  44. Bit of journalism, or how to participate with sports area eg newspaper writings
  45. Interaction between students and sports people and media presenters/reporters.

6. Comments: Responses:

  1. Yes
  2. Considering I'm doing Sport media, I think this unit would be great
  3. Would consider it as an elective
  4. Would consider as an elective
  5. NA
  6. I personally don't see the point. I can't see that there would be much to discuss thats not already covered in sports system/sports science.
  7. Could be beneficial regarding the value it has to sport in marketing and sport media
  8. none
  9. I'd study it
  10. Don't use it
  11. NA
  12. No
  13. I believe it would be helpful to learn in more detail both the positive and negative impacts social media has on sport.
  14. It might be helpful but I'd prefer to do a different unit as an elective if given the choice.
  15. Could be fun if done properly, if not it could be quite boring
  16. Good idea as it seems to be one of the most pressing issues at the moment
  17. How they have helped and also shamed athletes. social on sporting performances. How media influences sport.
  18. Would be interesting :)
  19. none
  20. Sport scandals. Interesting and engaging topics and activities involving social media
  21. sounds like an interesting idea. I'd certainly consider taking this subject.
  22. Could be interesting
  23. Dealing with problems which arise from inappropriate dealings on social media sites. ie St Kilda Football Club scandal, etc.
  24. Would be interesting and good to see more sport related courses.