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\section{Algebraic topology}

\subsection{Introduction} \emph{Algebraic topology} (AT) utilizes \htmladdnormallink{algebraic}{} approaches to solve \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} problems, such as the \htmladdnormallink{classification}{} of surfaces, proving \htmladdnormallink{duality}{} \htmladdnormallink{theorems}{} for \htmladdnormallink{manifolds}{} and approximation theorems for topological spaces. A central problem in algebraic topology is to find algebraic invariants of topological spaces, which is usually carried out by means of \htmladdnormallink{homotopy}{}, homology and \htmladdnormallink{cohomology groups}{}. There are close connections between algebraic topology, Algebraic Geometry (AG), \htmladdnormallink{non-commutative geometry}{} and, of course, its most recent development-- non-Abelian Algebraic Topology (NAAT). On the other hand, there are also close ties between algebraic geometry and number theory.

\subsection{Outline} \begin{enumerate}

\item Homotopy theory and \htmladdnormallink{fundamental groups}{} \item Topology and \htmladdnormallink{groupoids}{}; van Kampen theorem \item Homology and \htmladdnormallink{cohomology theories}{} \item Duality \item \htmladdnormallink{category theory applications}{} in algebraic topology \item \htmladdnormallink{indexes of category}{}, \htmladdnormallink{functors}{} and \htmladdnormallink{natural transformations}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{Grothendieck's Descent theory}{} \item `\htmladdnormallink{Anabelian Geometry}{}' \item Categorical Galois theory \item \htmladdnormallink{higher dimensional algebra}{} (\htmladdnormallink{HDA}{}) \item \htmladdnormallink{Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology}{} (NAQAT) \item Quantum Geometry \item \htmladdnormallink{Non-Abelian algebraic topology (NAAT)}{} \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Homotopy theory and fundamental groups} \begin{enumerate} \item Homotopy \item Fundamental group of a space \item Fundamental theorems \item \htmladdnormallink{Van Kampen theorem}{} \item Whitehead \htmladdnormallink{groups}{}, torsion and towers \item Postnikov towers \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Topology and Groupoids} \begin{enumerate} \item Topology definition, axioms and basic \htmladdnormallink{concepts}{} \item Fundamental groupoid \item \htmladdnormallink{topological groupoid}{} \item van Kampen theorem for groupoids \item Groupoid \htmladdnormallink{pushout}{} theorem \item \htmladdnormallink{double groupoids}{} and crossed modules \item new4


\subsection{Homology theory} \begin{enumerate}

\item \htmladdnormallink{homology group}{} \item Homology sequence \item Homology complex \item new4


\subsection{Cohomology theory} \begin{enumerate}

\item Cohomology group \item Cohomology sequence \item DeRham cohomology \item new4


\subsection{Duality in algebraic topology and category theory} \begin{enumerate}

\item Tanaka-Krein duality \item Grothendieck duality \item \htmladdnormallink{categorical duality}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{tangled duality}{} \item DA5 \item DA6 \item DA7


\subsection{Category theory applications} \begin{enumerate} \item \htmladdnormallink{abelian categories}{} \item Topological \htmladdnormallink{category}{} \item Fundamental groupoid functor \item Categorical Galois theory \item Non-Abelian algebraic topology \item Group category \item \htmladdnormallink{groupoid category}{} \item $\mathcal{T}op$ category \item \htmladdnormallink{topos}{} and topoi axioms \item \htmladdnormallink{generalized toposes}{} \item Categorical logic and algebraic topology \item \htmladdnormallink{meta-theorems}{} \item Duality between spaces and algebras


\subsection{Index of categories} The following is a listing of categories relevant to algebraic topology:

\begin{enumerate} \item \htmladdnormallink{Algebraic categories}{} \item Topological category \item Category of sets, Set \item Category of topological spaces \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Riemannian manifolds}{} \item Category of CW-complexes \item Category of Hausdorff spaces \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Borel spaces}{} \item Category of CR-complexes \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{graphs}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{spin networks}{} \item Category of groups \item Galois category \item Category of fundamental groups \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{Polish groups}{} \item Groupoid category \item \htmladdnormallink{category of groupoids}{} (or groupoid category) \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Borel groupoids}{} \item Category of fundamental groupoids \item Category of functors (or \htmladdnormallink{functor category}{}) \item Double groupoid category \item \htmladdnormallink{double category}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Hilbert spaces}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of quantum automata}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{R-category}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{algebroids}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{double algebroids}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{dynamical systems}{} \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Index of functors} \emph{The following is a contributed listing of functors:}

\begin{enumerate} \item Covariant functors \item Contravariant functors \item \htmladdnormallink{adjoint functors}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{preadditive functors}{} \item Additive functor \item \htmladdnormallink{representable functors}{} \item Fundamental groupoid functor \item Forgetful functors \item Grothendieck group functor \item Exact functor \item Multi-functor \item \htmladdnormallink{section functors}{} \item NT2 \item NT3 \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Index of natural transformations} \emph{The following is a contributed listing of natural transformations:}

\begin{enumerate} \item \htmladdnormallink{natural equivalence}{} \item Natural transformations in a \htmladdnormallink{2-category}{} \item NT3 \item NT1 \item NT2 \item NT3 \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Grothendieck proposals} \begin{enumerate} \item Esquisse d'un Programme \item \htmladdnormallink{Pursuing Stacks}{} \item S2 \item S3 \item S4


\subsection{Descent theory} \begin{enumerate} \item D1 \item D2 \item D3 \item D4


\subsection{Higher dimensional algebra (HDA)}

\begin{enumerate} \item Categorical groups \item Double groupoids \item Double algebroids \item Bi-algebroids \item $R$-algebroid \item $2$-category \item $n$-category \item \htmladdnormallink{super-category}{} \item weak \htmladdnormallink{n-categories}{} \item Bi-dimensional Geometry \item \htmladdnormallink{Noncommutative geometry}{} \item Higher-Homotopy theories \item Higher-Homotopy Generalized van Kampen Theorem (HGvKT) \item H1 \item H2 \item H3 \item H4


\subsubsection{Axioms of cohomology theory} \begin{enumerate}

\item A1 \item A2 \item A3 \item A4 \item A5 \item A6 \item A7


\subsubsection{Axioms of homology theory} \begin{enumerate}

\item A1

\item A2 \item A3 \item A4 \item A5 \item A6


\subsection{Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology (NAAT)}

\begin{enumerate} \item \htmladdnormallink{An overview of Nonabelian Algebraic Topology}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{non-Abelian categories}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{non-commutative}{} groupoids (including non-Abelian groups) \item Generalized van Kampen theorems \item \htmladdnormallink{Noncommutative Geometry (NCG)}{} \item Non-commutative `spaces' of \htmladdnormallink{functions}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology textbook}{}


\subsubsection{References for NAAT}


\item [1] M. Alp and C. D. Wensley, XMod, Crossed modules and Cat1--groups: a GAP4 package,(2004) (

\item [2] R. Brown, Elements of Modern Topology, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, 1968. second edition as Topology: a geometric account of general topology, homotopy \htmladdnormallink{types}{}, and the fundamental groupoid, Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1988) 460 pp.

\item [3] R. Brown, \htmladdnormallink{`Higher dimensional group theory'}{∼mas010/hdaweb2.htm}

\item [4] R. Brown\htmladdnormallink{.`crossed complexes}{} and homotopy groupoids as non commutative tools for higher dimensional local--to--global problems', Proceedings of the \htmladdnormallink{fields}{} Institute Workshop on Categorical Structures for Descent and Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras and Semiabelian Categories, September 23--28, 2002, Contemp. Math. (2004). (to appear), UWB Math Preprint 02.26\htmladdnormallink{.pdf}{} (30 pp.)

\item [5] R. Brown and P. J. Higgins, On the connection between the second relative \htmladdnormallink{homotopy groups}{} of some related spaces, Proc.London Math. Soc., (3) 36 (1978) 193--212.

\item [6] R. Brown and R. Sivera, `Nonabelian algebraic topology', (in preparation) Part I is downloadable from (

\item [7] R. Brown and C. B. Spencer, Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. G'/eom.Diff., 17 (1976) 343--362.

\item [8] R. Brown and C. D.Wensley, `\htmladdnormallink{computation}{} and homotopical applications of induced crossed modules', J. Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003) 59--72.

\item [9] The GAP Group, 2004, GAP --Groups, \htmladdnormallink{algorithms}{}, and \htmladdnormallink{programming}{}, version 4.4 , Technical report, (

\item [10] A. Grothendieck, `Pursuing \htmladdnormallink{stacks',}{} 600p, 1983, distributed from Bangor. Now being edited by G. Maltsiniotis for the SMF.

\item [11] P. J. Higgins, 1971, Categories and Groupoids, Van Nostrand, New York. Reprint Series, Theory and Appl. Categories (to appear).

\item [12] V. Sharko, 1993, Functions on manifolds: algebraic and topological aspects, number 131 in Translations of Mathematical Monographs, American Mathematical Society. \end{enumerate}


\item new1

\item new2 \item new3 \item new4


\subsection{13} \begin{enumerate}

\item new1 \item new2 \item new3 \item new4




\htmladdnormallink{Bibliography on Category theory, AT and QAT}{}

\subsubsection{Textbooks and Expositions:}

\begin{enumerate} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook1}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook2}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook3}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook4}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook5}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook6}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook7}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook8}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook9}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook10}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook11}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook12}{} \item A \htmladdnormallink{Textbook13}{} \item new1 \item new2 \item new3 \item new4


\subsection{Algebraic Topology and Groupoids} \begin{enumerate} \item Ronald Brown: Topology and Groupoids, BookSurge LLC (2006). \item Ronald Brown R, P.J. Higgins, and R. Sivera.: \emph{``Non-Abelian algebraic topology"}. http://www.; , Springer: in press (2010). \item R. Brown and J.-L. Loday: Homotopical excision, and \htmladdnormallink{Hurewicz theorems}{}, for n-cubes of spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc., 54:(3), 176--192, (1987). \item R. Brown and J.-L. Loday: Van Kampen Theorems for \htmladdnormallink{diagrams}{} of spaces, Topology, 26: 311-337 (1987). \item R. Brown and G. H. Mosa: Double algebroids and crossed modules of algebroids, University of Wales-Bangor, Maths Preprint, 1986. \item R. Brown and C.B. Spencer: Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. G\'eom. Diff. 17 (1976), 343--362. \item Madalina (Ruxi) Buneci.: \emph{\htmladdnormallink{groupoid representations}{}}., Ed. Mirton: Timisoara (2003). \item Allain Connes: \emph{\htmladdnormallink{noncommutative geometry}{}}, Academic Press 1994. \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Non--Abelian Algebraic Topology and Higher Dimensional Algebra} \begin{enumerate} \item Ronald Brown: \htmladdnormallink{non--Abelian algebraic topology}{}, vols. I and II. 2010. (in press: Springer): \htmladdnormallink{Nonabelian Algebraic Topology:filtered spaces, crossed complexes, cubical higher homotopy groupoids}{}

\item \htmladdnormallink{Higher Dimensional Algebra: An Introduction}{}

\item \htmladdnormallink{Higher Dimensional Algebra and Algebraic Topology., 282 pages, Feb. 10, 2010}{}

