Talk:Is the output of ChatGPT copyrighted?

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Information I provide that will contribute to a "major shift in your arguments"

[edit source]

Your argument is not complete without the knowledge that anybody today can use Duck AI's 4 AI models with their terms of service. and it will redirect you to that service. You'll read that you own both your input and your output.

In Terms of Service I will quote something that you're gonna find interesting to read:

"Terms of Service" "You retain all intellectual property rights in your Prompts and Outputs." "We claim no ownership of either your Prompts or Outputs. You grant us a limited intellectual property license permitting us only to process your Prompts and provide you the Outputs consistent with our Privacy Policy. You represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights and permissions to include any personal data or third-party content in your Prompts."

I can use: ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo, Claude 3 Haiku, Llama 3 70B and Mixtral 8x7B with these ToS.

Also before it says(from the Privacy Policy): "We do not save or store your Prompts or Outputs." "Additionally, all metadata that contains personal information (for example, your IP address) is removed before sending Prompts to underlying model providers (for example, OpenAI, Anthropic).

If you submit personal information in your Prompts, it may be reproduced in the Outputs, but no one can tell (including us and the underlying model providers) whether it was you personally submitting the Prompts or someone else."

So I'm assuming that this is going to change your arguments now knowing that nobody has to download an app on their phone. All you need is a web browser and to visit duck duck go or just visit

I think this is going to contribute to a major shift in your arguments. I read your arguments, I did not find the discussion nuanced so my contribution is going to help you in major ways with your for and against argument. I am not a person who's good with arguments.

This said I'm gonna tell you that I've never used these models to contribute any edits on any Wikimedia project, nor will I ever use these models for my edits, unless something changes on a major level in consensus on any of the Wikimedia projects I'm interested in. I'm not interested in taking part in the arguments, I think more nuance needs to be present in order for me to take an interest. I'm already busy with my own reasons for editing in regards to my major interest being gaming. I just hope this little info helps you improve your arguments, both for and against. SuperUltraHardCoreGamer (discusscontribs) 07:47, 23 June 2024 (UTC)Reply