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Online Meeting in AdobeConnect on 11.04.2012 from 1400 to 1600 (UTC+1)
Participants: Beat Estermann, Markus Marquard, Patrick Kenel, Meike Westerhaus, Daniel Reich

Discussion of the Concept

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Based on the concept-paper/short report of the TAO Handbook/CoP

  • Include list of contents?To be discussed.
Meike creates first contents, creates a concept of connections/links on the website and sees how implement it with Daniel - results to be discussed in the next meeting
  • Feedback on concept:
(Beat) Current situation is:
Question: "clearly designated as TAO result" - makes sense or not? to be discussed once there is a concept of how we can designate results as such.
  • Quality/Maturity of contributions: Evaluation is still unclear - add this to the milestones/to dos at the end of the concept paper.
  • "TAO working days will be opened" intead of "would"
  • Language issue: no restriction to german speaking community members; although different languages are a challenge, different subgroups should be promoted - e.g. by having facilitating organisations in different countries. Having different language communities will most likely lead to different developments concerning the contents, as continual translating of all editing is impossible
  • milestones: usability, not accessibility as focus (e.g. making the website accessible is a wish)
  • need roadmap for collecting TAO contents
  • missing from the concept: vision/ sustainability of the handbook/community / consulting concept (e.g. consultants as facilitators for multiplying the concept)
Discussion: Invite relevant partners/consultants from different countries to participate via the English version of the website. Train them to build up a community. These facilitating partners could then start communitites in their own language).
Missing: outside-in thinking/target-group-orientation, involving target groups (taking external persons' perspectives, e.g. while drafting)

(Markus) Agrees:
  • Vision missing, include consulting concept and sketch common TAO business model starting from that
  • Clarify responsibilities for the contents - Markus tells Meike who's in charge of what, she asks partners for contributions

Creating contents:

  • start by drafting a model activity description of one or two activities (Silver Knowledge or Free Cruise on the Internet)

Inventory of the TAO project:

  • Markus - amend the list
  • Meike: include the definitions mentioned here



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RSS-Feed Link
Homepage for visualisation

Bot should take up less space for the information offered (cf. Wikiversity, recent versions/history); maybe concentrate the edits with the same informations

Brainstorming use scenarios for "managers"

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https://zawiw.edupad.uni-konstanz.de/25 Evaluation, feedback; how should we further proceed with this appoach?

  • Preparation of RL meetings (ask participants to provide their questions)
  • Generate problem-based entries to the TAO Handbook
  • Ask visitors of the TAO Handbook as well as new partners to provide their own questions and/or to rate existing questions in terms of relevance for their own situation
  • Generate questions for the two other target groups.

Several persons participated, mostly project partners. A certain amount of questions has thus been raised. Before the meeting in Ulm all partners should contribute one or two questions to prepare the meeting. An issue is whether the questions should be clearly connected to a person. In public, some statements have to be anonymous/ not public/confidential (e.g. business ideas), but for the preparation of the meeting, it would be easier to know who has which questions.

  • Create restricted areas in Wikiversity?
  • Let everybody sign a non-disclosure agreement (details to be defined)?
  • Alternative: At first, ask participants not te reveal confidential elements

Further discuss the matter in Ulm.

"Open" Workshop Day - Ulm, 23.05. 2012

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Purpose? Objectives? Approach?

  • Demand from new partner from Switzerland: Have all participants sign a non disclosure agreement
  • New partners: In what form are they allowed to advertise their participation in the TAO CoP on their own website? (it's a real question, not a hypothetical one)

Problems, expectations and questions need to be collected (before the meeting), then clustered to create workshops (parallel or consecutive). Try to identify additional "blind spots"/problems of the partners (suggestion: by using Stijn's context analysis model to interview partners before or at the beginning of the meeting... too time-consuming?)
Markus will invite German partners with Meike; size and structure of meeting depends on the topics demanded. Provide space for exchange for all participants to create links between them. A possible challenge is the heterogenity of partners/possible participants or too related activities (which could result in reluctancy to reveal ideas and strategies) or existing personal conflicts.
Stick to current partners, ask them about additional invitations (propose to them and have them propose):

  • Beat's list
  • Markus/Meike's list (to be created)

Markus, Meike:
Draft message to people from Beat's list (except for Reich and Hirsig), asking for open questions for the meeting, create list of additional participants. Seniorweb.ch with 4 volunteers (Markus will invite them).

SeniorsKS Meeting - Prague, 2/3.07.2012

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What role will ZAWiW play?
Meike will join the mailing list to follow discussions.
Andreas&Beat (bfh): glossary eLearning

  • Invitation to the TAO CoP

WikiConvention - Dornbirn, 31.8. - 2.9.2012

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Who co-ordinates the inputs from the TAO side? Role of the practice partners?

  • Meike will attend, clarify contribution with Patrick and Elvira.

The point is to present Silver Knowledge and other community activities, so Elvira and Patrick should take the lead. (all three will be present, Beat, Karen, Edi and someone from "Zugang für alle" might attend).
Edi and accessibility crew want to contribute to this subject, will be directly in contact with the organisers.

Implementation of new layout for start pages - status report

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New version of start page (different entry points) online. Template improved for further editing.
Old contents still on start page (to avoid deleting content).
Future linking needs to be discussed (How can all contents be integrated into new layout?).
Problems to be solved:

  • corners of the boxes aren't round in some browsers
  • when enlarging the website, the layout changes
  • icons on the lower part of the page need to be adjusted (one for consultants needs to be found, the hand is for external people wishing to contribute)

Next round of module development

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What? When? Coordination with other activities?

Target groups defined, so the community members should start creating content (based on the examples of Silver Knowledge and Free Cruise on the Internet).
Handbook content generation is priority, others can continue developing their modules if they wish, but no strong moderation from TAO side.
Beat moderates the further process to collect questions from the point of view of "consultants" (second half of April)

Next Meeting

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Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/e2y48u4kq8eekr8z