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Time, Place, Participants

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Online Meeting in Adobe Connect, on 2012-03-07 from 1100 to 1300 (UTC+1). Invitation via: community@thirdageonline.eu


  • Simon Lueke
  • Daniel Reich
  • Meike
  • Beat Estermann
  • Markus Marquard
  • Patrick Kenel

New meeting software: BigBlueButton

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Installed at http://bbb.resolution1.net/

Short test with Erkan the night before the meeting: not very sucessful. With Simon it worked, after some more time.

Experiences in this meeting:

  • Connection to meeting room works, person can join and listen (works with Linux + Windows).
  • Video / Webcam (works with Linux + Windows).
  • Microphone problems on Linux were local (bad USB drivers, bad analog microphone).
  • Uploading and showing presentations (PDF, images, maybe etc.), drawing into them (works with Linux + Windows).
  • Screen sharing (works with Windows).
  • Arrangement of different windows is a bit difficult.
  • Audio Delay of about 2 seconds.

We used 0.7 but 0.8-beta4 could also be tested. It's some time to go for 1.0 which is actually just a marketing number.

We wait for one or two more meetings to test the tool. If it works out well, we'll ask the WMCH provider to install it.

Concept graphic

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We'll use the term "Modules" instead of "Learning and research activities". Still emphasize "research" by using the category "TAO:Research" and the template. Term "Handbook": i.e. "formalized knowledge" in contrast to "people", who are "knowledge carriers". In our context: to create a handbook is the goal, but right now this is done in modules.

Progress of learning modules under development

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Silver Knowledge

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Project plan ok; persona still missing; too broad in scope.

  1. first priority: Representatives of "host" organizations, for example volunteers of senior-organisations, leader of vhs, etc. one Module, in German (Markus, Ralph, Elvira)
  2. second priority: representatives of other Wikimedia chapters (Patrick + Karen)
  3. third priority: WMDE volunteers: "Wikipedia-Referenten" (at present: internal forum with link to Schulprojekt)

You would probably need a separate module for each of them.

Working with Volunteer Instructors:

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Focuses on Best Practices. Persona ok; is now rather oriented towards "Being a Volunteer Instructor"; title needs to be adapted; it’s not clear enough yet, whether and how interaction is supposed to happen. Target language unclear; see feedback on discussion page: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Talk:TAO/Working_with_Volunteer_Instructors:_Best_Practices

We want a further module oriented towards another persona We will create two modules:

  • Working with Volunteer Instructors (Meike, Patrick / in English)
  • Being a Volunteer Instructor (Karen, Patrick, Jon --> FFI / in German)

Silver Surfers' Social Networking Services

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No progress since last assessment (Stijn)

Creating a Glossary of Common Terms in a Community.

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No progress since last assessment.

There are plans to create an e-learning glossary with the SeniorsKS people in Prague, at the beginning of July 2012. The glossary could become part of the handbook (bfh: e-learning activity; ZAWiW: clarify SeniorsKS activity)

Creating personas and working with them

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Has been created to guide the development of modules. Was used by one participant so far. Andreas will provide example personas from the e-learning group (in German). Further example personas are needed.

Example of a persona: Brigitte S. ist 65. Sie hat sich lange gegen das Internet gewehrt, echte Kommunikation wäre ihr lieber, sagte sie. Dann ging ihre Enkelin vor drei Jahren für ein Jahr ins Ausland. Das hat sie dazu gebracht, sich mit dem Internet zu beschäftigen. Dass sie mit der Enkelin telefonieren und sie dabei sehen konnte, hat sie begeistert. Dass sie die Protokolle des Pfarrgemeinderats per Internet bekommt und sie mit ihrer Arbeitsgruppe über ein Forum Ideen für das nächste Gemeindefest sammelt, erscheint ihr heute selbstverständlich. (Ziele, Motivation, Interessen, Probleme, Hemmschwellen; for WV modules: What contribution is expected from the module? How do people interact with the module?)

Setting up and maintaining a community of practice.

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Will be pursued by a student at BUAS. See draft description: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/TAO/Setting_Up_and_Maintaining_a_Community_of_Practice (see also the talk page). The next step consists in describing a few personas. (Case study will run until June 2012; it will be documented in Wikiversity).

Any additional comments? How do we further proceed?

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2 Options:

  • Just document / represent an already happening activity in Wikiversity.
  • Prepare modules (maybe already existing ones) for use by others.

Additional modules:

  • FFI
  • virtuelle Lernprojekte (Kalte Zeiten)
  • e-learning

Start page and portals for the main target groups

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Beat proposes to start with three main portals (in Wikiversity) that are cross-sectional to the various organizations and actions:

1) Portal for staff members in a managing or co-ordinating function at organizations providing or intending to provide:

  • e-learning / blended learning for seniors
  • any other type of online activity for seniors related to online communities or social networks
  • web2.0 introductory courses
  • any type of service involving online communities or virtual teams which heavily rely on the participation of seniors

2) Portal for (volunteer) instructors/moderators/facilitators of:

  • e-learning / blended learning courses for seniors
  • web2.0 introductory courses for seniors
  • online activities for seniors in social networks or online communities
  • activities aiming at developing online services together with seniors in a co-creative approach

3) Portal for consultants working with organizations providing or intending to provide:

  • e-learning / blended learning for seniors
  • any other type of online activity for seniors related to online communities or social networks
  • web2.0 introductory courses
  • any type of service involving online communities or virtual teams which heavily rely on the participation of seniors

Handbook consisting of sections. Community of Practice consisting of modules. Both: composed of resources.

Further overview pages or portals could be set up for the individual actions if it facilitates addressing the respective target publics.

On both portals (all three) we'll need to devise one or two simple activities that allow us to engage new community members.

Updated layout sketches for the main Wikiversity pages:

To do: Layout sketches for portal pages target group 1), target group 2), target group 3) and people who want to help (target group 4).

Documentation of TAO activities/project outputs with view on TAO Handbook

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Improvements based on user feedback: progress report

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Notification on changes (TAOBot)

Wikiversity pages:

  • Design in process.
  • Pictures of members still not online! (Simon)
  • Do this by creating or according to "introduction module!

Goal for June:

  • (Start) pages in Wikiversity are appealing.
  • Some modules and sections are finished.

Common Working Days in Brussels

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Proposed activities:

  • Presentation of the present stage of development of the WV project; collect feedback
  • Develop personas and use scenarios for target group 1)
  • Exploration phase / multiplication phase: identify common challenges, i.e. challenges that are similar across organizations and across actions - both at the level of target group 1) and at the level of target group 2)

Next meeting

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Doodle poll on last week of march. (Markus, Simon, Daniel)