TAO/Facebook Activities

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Social networks experienced a huge growth in use for the last few years. Nowadays 42% of the internet users participate in a social network or any other online community. However the vast majority of them is 30 or younger. But there is an awakening interest from the older internet users in contributing and participating in these social networks. A problem coming up is the change of the appearance of the communities happening quite often, which is a problem both for the older users that have to adapt to the new surface and for the people creating learning material that has to be up to date.

ZAWiW at Ulm University has implemented courses introducing older adults to Facebook, and developed introductory materials together with a group of older adults. This article contains information and links from this cooperation.


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  • Many older adults are skeptical about Facebook. Take their doubts seriously and be sure to provide detailed information on data protection.
  • Discuss the pros and cons together with the older adults. Explore how Facebook might - or might not - be useful for their purposes.

You'll find detailed information in the (German) Facebook guidelines elaborated by the group of seniors at ZAWiW.

Used Methods

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Following methods have been tested:

  • Online courses for interested persons, showing the different uses and problems related to social networks.
  • Training seminars for seniors interested in teaching others. The experience made during the seminars will be shared by them afterwards.
  • Information on Facebook and Google+ will be provided on different communities and networks like "Senior-Internet-Initiativen Baden-Württemberg" (Sii BW) and "Virtuelles und Reales Lern- und Kompetenznetzwerk älterer Erwachsener" (ViLE).


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