TAO/E-Learning environments

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E-Learning environments

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E-Learning environments pool different E-Learning technologies and processes in one system. They could also called Virtual Learning Environments, Learning Management Systems or Course Management Systems. In contrast to real-time communication (see prev. chapters) in this more generalized class of systems there may also be asynchronous tools and methods, like wikis, course material, automated assessment systems, etc.


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Moodle[1] is a open source application which can used to create effective online learning sites for online collaboration.


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ILIAS[2] is also a open sourcesoftware for web-based teaching and e-learning. It is a multi-purpose tool that can be used as a flexible course player, as an authoring tool, but also as a communication and collaboration platform.


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  1. more about Moodle: moodle.org
  2. more about ILIAS: ilias.de