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System development/Modelling/Concepts/Task

From Wikiversity

In project management, a task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a deadline to work towards work-related goals. A task can be broken down into assignments which should also have a defined start and end date or a deadline for completion. One or more assignments on a task puts the task under execution. Completion of all assignments on a specific task normally renders the task completed. Tasks can be linked together to create dependencies (source: wikipedia).

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Sequence Property name Datamodel Datatype Definition/ example Dutch French German Spanish
1 Due date DueDate Date Deadline, opleverdatum, realisatiedatum
2 Weeknumber WeekNumber Whole number Weeknummer
3 Priority Priority Reference to Priority Prioriteit
4 TaskID TaskID Sequence
5 Status Status Reference to TaskStatus Status
6 Owner TaskOwner Reference to Person or Employee Taakeigenaar
7 Description Description Text (multiline) Omschrijving
20 Duration (worst case) DurationWorstCase Text
21 Duration (most likely) DurationMostLikely Text
22 Duration (best case) DurationBestCase Text