System development/Modelling/Concepts/Person

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Concept Person can be found in almost all domains: CRM (CustomerContact), HCM (System development/Modelling/Concepts/Employee), etc.


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Sequence Property name Datamodel Datatype Definition/ example Dutch French German Spanish
0 Person type PersonType Text Persoonstype
1 First name FirstName Text Voornaam
2 Last name LastName Text Achternaam
3 Middle name MiddleName Text
4 Displayed name DisplayedName Text Weergegeven naam
5 Organization Organization Text Organisatie
6 Phone number PhoneNumber Text Telefoonnummer
7 Email address EmailAddress Text E-mailadres
8 Date of birth DateOfBirth Date Geboortedatum
9 Social Security Number SSN Text Burgerservicenummer (BSN)
10 Notes Notes Text Opmerkingen

Fact types

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