Study of Genesis/Project Page/Sample Term Paper

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Name: Nathanael Schmolze
Date: 03/08/08
Course: Study of Genesis

Why Genesis Is Awesome

I believe that Genesis is a very cool book. Why, you ask? well let me enumerate three reasons for you.




so in conclusion, Genesis remains, in my humble opinion, a very, very cool book.


[edit | edit source]
  1. of the House of Pharaoh 3200, p.56.
  2. Christ 32, pp.23-25.
  3. Schmolze 2007, p.1.


[edit | edit source]

Schmolze, Nate. Citing Yourself as the New Rage. 2007.

Christ, Jesus. The Mosaic Authorship of the Torah. 32.

of the House of Pharaoh, Moses. The Divine Authorship of the Torah. 3200? b.c