Spanish History

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Completion status: this resource is a stub, which means that pretty much nothing has been done yet.
This resource is currently unmaintained. Please feel welcome to adopt it and then change this tag.
Subject classification: this is a history resource.

Welcome / Bienvenido (under construction)

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Welcome to the Spanish History topic page, where slowly but surely a whole suite of courses will be developed which will take you through the history of this Southern European country. The first course to debut will be "Spanish History - a rough guide", which will be followed by more developed courses on "20th Century Spain" and "The Spanish Second Republic".

Spanish History - A Rough Guide

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"Spain is different". In just three words one can start to unpack the multifaceted history of a country that encompasses huge deserts, snowcapped mountains, bustling towns and a persevering linguistic diversity. You may know a lot about Spain, you may know nothing, but below you will find a short introduction to Spain and its history, in Spanish: España, from the pre-romanic period to the present day.


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Roman occupation: The Iberian peninsula

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The Germanic occupation

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The Moors' "Al Andalus"

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The "Reconquista"

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The Spanish empire

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Decline & decay of the empire

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The French invasion & the Independence

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Monarchs & Republics

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Civil War & Franco's Dictatorship

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Modern "democracy"

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The Global Crisis

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