Social Victorians/1887 American Exhibition/Cody Presents General Marmaduke

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  • At some point
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Prior Events

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Later Events

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The Event Itself

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Quote Intro

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In his Autobiography Cody tells about introducing General Marmaduke to the Earl of Lonsdale and Lord Harrington in London, though which trip to London is not clear right now. Speaking of Marmaduke, Cody says,

<quote>Years after he had finished his term as Governor of Missouri, he visited me in London, where I was giving my Wild West Show. He was talking with me in my tent one day when the Earl of Lonsdale and Lord Harrington rode up, dismounted, and came over to where we were sitting.

I presented Marmaduke to them as the governor of one of America's greatest States and a famous Confederate general. Lonsdale, approaching and extending his hand, smiled and said:

"Ah, Colonel Cody, another one of your Yankee friends, eh?

Marmaduke, who had risen, scowled. But he held out his hand. "Look here," he said, "I am much pleased to meet you, sir, but I want you first to understand distinctly that I am no Yank."</quote> (39)

Who Was Present

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  • William F. Cody
  • General Marmaduke
  • Earl of Lonsdale
  • Lord Harrington

Questions and Notes

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  • Cody, William F. Autobiography.