Social Victorians/1886-03-09 Russian Embassy Reception

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Dinner and Reception at the Russian Embassy

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  • 1886 March 9, Tuesday
  • Hosted by the Russian Ambassador Baron Georges de Staal and Madame de Staal
  • Russian Embassy on Chesham Place


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Who Was Present

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  1. The Duchess of Edinburgh
  2. Earl and Countess Spencer
  3. the Earl of Rosebery
  4. the Earl of Kenmare
  5. the Earl and Countess of Cork
  6. the Earl of Northbrook and Lady Emma Baring
  7. Lady Isabel Boyle
  8. Count and Countess d'Aubigny
  9. M. Hengel-müller
  10. Lord Gerard
  11. Lord Rothschild
  12. General Sir Francis Seymour
  13. Sir Philip Currie
  14. Mr. and Lady Selina Hervey, and Miss Bidwell
  15. Count N. Adlerberg and M. Bouténeff, Secretaries of the Embassy

Present as an Attendant

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In attendance on the Duchess of Edinburgh

  • Lady Emma Osborne


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Who Was Present

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  1. the Sultan of Johore and suite

Corps Diplomatique

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  1. The Turkish Ambassador
  2. the German Ambassador and Countess Hatzfeldt
  3. the Italian Ambassador
  4. Madame Waddington
  5. the Swedish Minister
  6. the Netherlands Minister
  7. the Belgian Minister
  8. the Chinese Minister and Marchioness Tseng
  9. the Japanese Minister and Madame Kawase
  10. the Brazilian Minister and Baroness de Penedo
  11. the Greek Minister
  12. the Persian Minister
  13. the Roumanian Minister and Princess Ghica
  14. the Danish Minister
  15. the Portuguese Minister
  16. the United States Minister
  17. Count Pourtales
  18. Baron Plessen
  19. M. G. J. de Osme
  20. Morel Bey
  21. Mikayl Khan
  22. Baroness de Brienen and Madlle. de Brienen
  23. Count and Countess Bentinck
  24. Countess Königsmark
  25. Mr. Ohyama
  26. Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Smirnoff
  27. Mr. and Mrs. Schlesinger and Miss Schlesinger
  28. Madlle. Heim
  29. Commander and Mrs. Chadwick
  30. Baron and Baroness de Barreto
  31. Rev. Eugene Soloviev
  32. Vicomte de St. Genys
  33. M. J. F. du Bose and Madlle. du Bose
  34. M. Gosch
  35. Madame d'Arcos
  36. M. Adelborg
  37. M. Bapst
  38. Count, Kinsky
  39. &c.

General Company

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  1. the Duchess of Bedford and the Marchioness of Tavistock
  2. the Duchess of Leeds and Lady Harriet Godolphin Osborne
  3. Julia Marchioness of Tweeddale
  4. the Dowager Marchioness of Waterford
  5. the Earl and Countess of Iddesleigh
  6. the Earl of Morley
  7. the Dowager Countess of Airlie and Lady Griselda Ogilvy
  8. the Countess of Dunraven
  9. the Countess of Malmesbury
  10. Julia Countess of Jersey and Mr. Brandling
  11. Viscountess Midleton and Hon. Albinia Brodrick
  12. Viscountess Curzon
  13. Lady Sarah Spencer Churchill
  14. Lord and Lady Colville and Hon. Miss Colville
  15. Lord and Lady Sudeley
  16. Lady Margaret Browne
  17. Lord Alcester
  18. Lady Randolph Churchill
  19. Lady Sandhurst and Lady Alice Gore
  20. Lord and Lady Charles Beresford
  21. Lady Howard de Walden
  22. Lord Belmont
  23. Lord and Lady Cremorne
  24. Lord and Lady Esher
  25. Hon. Lady Cotterell and Miss Cotterell
  26. Lady Goldsmid
  27. Lady Abercromby
  28. Lady Harcourt
  29. Lady Cross and Misses Cross (2)
  30. Lady Tweedmouth
  31. Lady Sykes
  32. Lady Henry Gordon-Lennox
  33. Lady Conyers and Hon. Miss Lane Fox
  34. Lord Sherborne
  35. Hon. Lady Campbell
  36. Lady Elizabeth Romilly and Miss Romilly
  37. Lady and Miss Antrobus
  38. Lady Hothfield and Miss Stracey
  39. Lady Walter Scott and Miss Evelyn Scott
  40. Lady Walter Campbell
  41. Lord Oranmore and Hon Misses Browne Guthrie
  42. the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress
  43. Colonel Hon. Henry Byng and Miss Byng
  44. Hon. Henry Stonor
  45. Captain Hon. H. Monson
  46. Colonel Hon. William and Mrs. Colville and Miss Colville
  47. Hon. Sir Henry Ponsonby and Miss Ponsonby
  48. the Right Hon. Sir Henry Elliot
  49. Hon. Mrs. William Lowther
  50. the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Erskine May and Miss Laughton
  51. Hon. Francis Villiers
  52. Hon. Mrs. Henry Edwardes
  53. the Solicitor-General and Lady Davey and Miss Davey
  54. Colonel and Lady Blanche Edwardes
  55. Sir Julian and Lady Pauncefote
  56. Sir Edmund and Lady Lechmere
  57. Sir Algernon Borthwick
  58. General Sir Daniel and Lady Lysons
  59. Sir Maurice and Lady Fitzgerald
  60. Sir Arthur Sullivan and Lady Sullivan (?)
  61. Sir Halliday and Lady Macartney
  62. Sir Oscar Clayton
  63. Sir Charles and Lady Trevelyan
  64. Sir Robert Abercromby
  65. Sir James Carmichael
  66. Sir Arthur Hayter
  67. Sir Villiers Lister and Miss Lister
  68. Sir A. Savile Lumley
  69. Sir Frederick Leighton
  70. Sir Rivers Wilson
  71. Sir E. Hertslett
  72. General Morris
  73. General and Miss Duff
  74. Colonel H. M. Hozier
  75. Colonel Stephens
  76. Colonel Arthur Collins
  77. Major and Mrs. Bigge
  78. Captain St. John Mildmay
  79. Captain and Mrs. E. Mildmay
  80. Captain Shaw
  81. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vincent
  82. Dr. Rolfe
  83. Mr. Shaw Lefevre
  84. Mrs. Dudley Ward
  85. Mrs. Leigh
  86. Mrs. Mundella
  87. Mr. John Romilly
  88. Mrs. and Miss Farquhar
  89. Mr. Alfred Farquhar
  90. Mr. Francis Stephens
  91. Mr. Harcourt
  92. Mr. and Mrs. W. Langdale
  93. Mr. George Greville
  94. Mrs. Douglas Murray
  95. Mrs. Osborne Morgan
  96. Mr. Austin Lee
  97. Mr. Combe Tennant
  98. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lane
  99. Mr. Saunderson
  100. Mr. Townley
  101. Mrs. Hugh Wyndham and Miss Wyndham
  102. Mrs. and Miss Mello
  103. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson
  104. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Synge
  105. Madame de Bunsen
  106. Mr. and Mrs. Surtees
  107. Mr. and Mrs. James Stern
  108. Mrs. Bischoffsheim
  109. Mrs. Edwards
  110. Mr. Mitford
  111. Mrs. Washington Hibbert
  112. Mrs. and Miss Tennant
  113. Mrs. and Miss Higgins
  114. Mrs. and Miss Singleton
  115. Mr. W. Gillett
  116. Mr. W. Jolliffe
  117. Mr. Curzon
  118. Mr. Dallison
  119. Mr. Moreton Frewen
  120. Mr. Edward Hamilton
  121. Mr. Massey Shaw
  122. Mr. Charles Jerningham
  123. Mr. Fellowes
  124. Mr. and Mrs. Woodford
  125. Mr. and Mrs. Toler
  126. Mr. Hamilton Aïde
  127. Mrs. and Miss Romain
  128. Mr. and Mrs. Baldock
  129. Mr. Petre
  130. Mrs. and Miss Lindsay Antrobus
  131. Mr. and Mrs. Post
  132. Mr. Henry Oppenheim
  133. Mrs. Cholmondeley
  134. Mr. Edgar Vincent
  135. Mrs. Ronalds, Fanny Ronalds
  136. Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes
  137. Mrs. Beckett Denison and Miss Leslie
  138. Mrs. Richardson
  139. Mr. Bennett
  140. Mr. Thorndyke Rice
  141. Mr. and Mrs. Staniforth and Miss Staniforth
  142. Mrs. Edmund Vaughan

Questions and Notes

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