Portal:Simulation and Gaming Archive

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Archive of Simulations and Games

for the Enhancement of the Learning Experience

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Simulation exercises, role playing and games have been used in the past in a number of subject areas to enhance the classroom learning experience; however, recent advances in learning technologies have allowed simulation exercises to form part of technology-enhanced, student-centred, blended learning strategies designed to boost student engagement and learning both within and beyond the classroom.

The archive aims to support this development by providing an open learning resource of simulation, role playing and game materials together with guidance notes for tutors and students that can be used across a range of modules within Politics and International Relations and, more broadly, other Social Sciences. For more information please go here.

Please note that the simulations and games in this archive come from a variety of resources, and that ASGELE is merely concerned with bringing them together into a single database.

To access the archive, click:

Category:Simulation and Gaming Archive

Supported by

For further information, please contact Dr Frands Pedersen, Dept. of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, London W1T 3UW. Email: pedersf@wmin.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)20 350 68918

For help in contributing material, please go here

Accessing Games and Simulations in the Simulation and Gaming Archive
Accessing Guidance and Theoretical material in the Simulation and Gaming Archive
The following categories can be expanded by clicking on the (+) symbol. This will reveal the items in the relevant sub-category

* For further reading go to the Annotated Bibliography

How to add material to the Simulation and Gaming Archive

For more information on how to add material go here

Other related resources


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For an example of how module teaching and learning activities may be constructed around games and simulations, see: Political Simulations and Gaming Module at University of Westminster

Wikiversity Nodes

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