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All psychology journals

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This section lists open psychology journals and their rankings.

Journal Notes
Advances in Cognitive Psychology
Annual Review of Critical Psychology
Applied Psychology In Criminal Justice
Athletic Insight
The Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health
Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology ERA Rank B. Papers accepted for publication become the copyright of the publisher. Green: Author pre- and post-prints can be made available.
The Behavior Analyst Today
Behavior and Social Issues
Current psychology letters
Current Research In Social Psychology
Dynamical Psychology: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal of Complex Mental Processes
E-journal of Applied Psychology ERA Rank C
Uses Open Journal Systems. Authors give journal a license to publish. The journal uses [Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.1 Australia cc-nd 2.1 Australia licensing].
International Journal of Wellbeing
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Journal of New Media in Neural and Cognitive Science and Education
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling ERA Rank C
Articles are available at no-cost electronically
Licensing is unclear
Psychological Topics ERA Rank: None
Special Group in Coaching Psychology
The Open Psychology Journal ERA Rank: None
Authors who publish in Bentham OPEN Journals retain copyright to their work. Articles are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution non-commercial License. Author is required to pay an article processing fee of several hundred $US.