PlanetPhysics/C cG

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is defined as the class (or space) of continuous functions acting on a topological groupoid with compact support, and with values in a field . In most applications it will, however, suffice to select as a locally compact (topological) groupoid . Multiplication in is given by the integral formula:

where is a Lebesgue measure.


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  1. The multiplication "" is exactly the composition law that one obtains by considering each point

as the Schwartz kernel of an operator on . Such operators with certain continuity conditions can be realized by kernels that are (Dirac) distributions, or generalized functions on .

  1. can also be more generally defined with values in either a normed space or any algebraic structure. The most often encountered case is that of the space of continuous functions with proper support , that is, the projection of the closure of onto each factor is a proper map.