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PlanetPhysics/Borel G Space

From Wikiversity

A (standard) Borel G-space is defined in connection with a standard Borel space which needs to be specified first.

Basic definitions

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  • {\mathbf a.} Standard Borel space. A standard Borel space is defined as a measurable space , that is, a set equipped with a -algebra , such that there exists a Polish topology on with its -algebra of Borel sets.
  • {\mathbf b.} Borel G-space. Let be a Polish group and a (standard) Borel space. An action of on is defined to be a Borel action if is a Borel-measurable map or a Borel function. In this case, a standard Borel space that is acted upon by a Polish group with a Borel action is called a (standard) Borel G-space .
  • {\mathbf c.} Borel morphisms. homomorphisms, embeddings or isomorphisms between standard Borel G-spaces are called Borel if they are Borel--measurable.

Borel G-spaces have the nice property that the product and sum of a countable sequence of Borel G-spaces are also Borel G-spaces. Furthermore, the subspace of a Borel G-space determined by an invariant Borel set is also a Borel G-space.