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Physics equations/Exams for algebra&trig based second semester course (Spring 2014)

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Test 1

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  1. A proton is accelerated (at rest) from a plate held at 349 volts to a plate at zero volts. What is the final speed?
  2. How fast is a 3000 eV electron moving?
  3. What voltage is required to stop a proton moving at a speed of 5.4 x 107 m/s?
  4. What voltage is required accelerate an electron at rest to a speed of 1.4 x 103 m/s?

Tests 2 and 3 are unavailable

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Tests 4

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1 A cosmic ray alpha particle encounters Earth's magnetic field at right angles to a field of 9.8 μT. The kinetic energy is 392 keV. What is the radius of particle's orbit?

a) 2.9 x 103 m.
b) 9.2 x 103 m.
c) 2.9 x 104 m.
d) 9.2 x 104 m.
e) 2.9 x 105 m.

2 Two parallel wires are 5.8 meters apart, and are separated by 2.9 mm. What is the force if both wires carry a current of 16.5 amps?

a) 3.44 x 10-3 newtons
b) 1.09 x 10-2 newtons
c) 3.44 x 10-2 newtons
d) 1.09 x 10-1 newtons
e) 3.44 x 10-1 newtons

3 Blood is flowing at an average rate of 21.5 cm/s in an artery that has an inner diameter of 3.5 mm. What is the voltage across a hall probe placed across the inner diameter of the artery if the perpendicular magnetic field is 0.11 Tesla?

a) 8.28 x 10-6 Volts
b) 2.62 x 10-5 Volts
c) 8.28 x 10-5 Volts
d) 2.62 x 10-4 Volts
e) 8.28 x 10-4 Volts

4 An electron tube on Earth's surface is oriented horizontally towards magnetic north. The electron is traveling at 0.07c, and Earth's magnetic field makes an angle of 47.5 degrees with respect to the horizontal. To counter the magnetic force, a voltage is applied between two large parallel plates that are 57 mm apart. What must be the applied voltage if the magnetic field is 46μT?

a) 4.1 x 100 volts
b) 1.3 x 101 volts
c) 4.1 x 101 volts
d) 1.3 x 102 volts
e) 4.1 x 102 volts

5 An object is placed 8.6 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 6.3 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 3.64 x 10-1 cm
b) 6.47 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.15 x 100 cm
d) 2.04 x 100 cm
e) 3.64 x 100 cm

6 An object is placed 4.85 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 4 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 4.06 x 100 cm
b) 7.22 x 100 cm
c) 1.28 x 101 cm
d) 2.28 x 101 cm
e) 4.06 x 101 cm

7 An object of height 0.64 cm is placed 112 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 65 cm. What is the height of the image?

a) 1.36 x 10-1 cm
b) 1.63 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.96 x 10-1 cm
d) 2.35 x 10-1 cm
e) 2.82 x 10-1 cm

8 An object is placed 10.9 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.4 cm. On the side, at a distance of 6.8 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm. How far is the final image from the converging lens?

a) 1.81 x 10-1 cm
b) 5.71 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.81 x 100 cm
d) 5.71 x 100 cm
e) 1.81 x 101 cm

Final Exam

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1 A 6 ohm resistor is connected in series to a pair of 3 ohm resistors that are in parallel. What is the net resistance?

a) 4.3 ohms.
b) 4.9 ohms.
c) 5.7 ohms.
d) 6.5 ohms.
e) 7.5 ohms.

2 Two 6.6 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. This combination is then connected in series to a 6 ohm resistor. What is the net resistance?

a) 5.3 ohms.
b) 6.1 ohms.
c) 7 ohms.
d) 8.1 ohms.
e) 9.3 ohms.

3 An ideal 6.2 volt battery is connected to a 0.089 ohm resistor. To measure the current an ammeter with a resistance of 19 is used. What current does the ammeter actually read?

a) 57.4 A.
b) 66 A.
c) 75.9 A.
d) 87.3 A.
e) 100.4 A.

4 A battery has an emf of 6 volts, and an internal resistance of 282 . It is connected to a 3.8 resistor. What power is developed in the 3.8 resistor?

a) 5.4 W.
b) 6.21 W.
c) 7.14 W.
d) 8.21 W.
e) 9.44 W.

5 How fast is a 2479 eV electron moving?

a) 3 x 107 m/s.
b) 4.4 x 107 m/s.
c) 6.6 x 107 m/s.
d) 10 x 107 m/s.
e) 1.5 x 108 m/s.

6 What voltage is required to stop a proton moving at a speed of 2.1 x 107 m/s?

a) 1.5 x 106 volts
b) 2.3 x 106 volts
c) 3.4 x 106 volts
d) 5.2 x 106 volts
e) 7.8 x 106 volts

7 A 1.6 Farad capacitor is charged with 2.1 Coulombs. What is the value of the electric field if the plates are 0.3 mm apart?

a) 4.38 kV/m.
b) 5.03 kV/m.
c) 5.79 kV/m.
d) 6.65 kV/m.
e) 7.65 kV/m.

8 Two parallel wires are 3 meters long and are separated by 7.3 mm. What is the force if both wires carry a current of 8.1 amps?

a) 5.39 x 10-4 newtons
b) 1.71 x 10-3 newtons
c) 5.39 x 10-3 newtons
d) 1.71 x 10-2 newtons
e) 5.39 x 10-2 newtons

9 Blood is flowing at an average rate of 38.5 cm/s in an artery that has an inner diameter of 3.6 mm. What is the voltage across a hall probe placed across the inner diameter of the artery if the perpendicular magnetic field is 0.18 Tesla?

a) 2.49 x 10-6 Volts
b) 7.89 x 10-6 Volts
c) 2.49 x 10-5 Volts
d) 7.89 x 10-5 Volts
e) 2.49 x 10-4 Volts

10 An electron tube on Earth's surface is oriented horizontally towards magnetic north. The electron is traveling at 0.06c, and Earth's magnetic field makes an angle of 44.5 degrees with respect to the horizontal. To counter the magnetic force, a voltage is applied between two large parallel plates that are 54 mm apart. What must be the applied voltage if the magnetic field is 46μT?

a) 3.1 x 10-1 volts
b) 9.9 x 10-1 volts
c) 3.1 x 100 volts
d) 9.9 x 100 volts
e) 3.1 x 101 volts

11 An object of height 0.75 cm is placed 137 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 56 cm. What is the height of the image?

a) 1.05 x 10-1 cm
b) 1.26 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.51 x 10-1 cm
d) 1.81 x 10-1 cm
e) 2.18 x 10-1 cm

12 An object is placed 13.2 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 15.7 cm. On the side, at a distance of 6.2 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm. How far is the final image from the converging lens?

a) 1.8 x 100 cm
b) 5.71 x 100 cm
c) 1.8 x 101 cm
d) 5.71 x 101 cm
e) 1.8 x 102 cm