QB/a05frictDragElast 3rdLaw
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\author{The LaTex code that creates this quiz is released to the Public Domain\\
Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
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\footnotesize{ \url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.4 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.2 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 104 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.\ifkey\endnote{a05frictDragElast\_3rdLaw\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}}\fi
\choice 56.8 N
\CorrectChoice 65.3 N
\choice 75.1 N
\choice 86.4 N
\choice 99.3 N
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 5.4 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 3.2 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 104 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present. \ifkey\endnote{a05frictDragElast\_3rdLaw\_2 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}}\fi
\choice 9.1 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 10.5 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 12.1 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 13.9 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 16 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 647 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.58 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 392 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?\ifkey\endnote{a05frictDragElast\_3rdLaw\_3 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice 0.351
\choice 0.387
\choice 0.425
\choice 0.468
\choice 0.514
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.23 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 638 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 415 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team? \ifkey\endnote{a05frictDragElast\_3rdLaw\_4 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}}\fi
\choice 0.321
\CorrectChoice 0.354
\choice 0.389
\choice 0.428
\choice 0.471
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.6 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.6 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 126 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.37, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.44 .\ifkey\endnote{a05frictDragElast\_3rdLaw\_5 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863119}}}\fi
\choice 67.4 N
\choice 77.5 N
\CorrectChoice 89.1 N
\choice 102.5 N
\choice 117.9 N
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 1
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.4 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.3 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 174 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 84.2 N
\choice 96.8 N
\choice 111.3 N
\CorrectChoice 128 N
\choice 147.2 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 7 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.6 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 153 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 66.4 N
\choice 76.4 N
\choice 87.9 N
\CorrectChoice 101 N
\choice 116.2 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.7 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.5 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 101 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 55.6 N
\choice 64 N
\CorrectChoice 73.6 N
\choice 84.6 N
\choice 97.3 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.4 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.9 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 136 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 79 N
\choice 90.8 N
\choice 104.4 N
\choice 120.1 N
\choice 138.1 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.1 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.8 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 148 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 95.5 N
\choice 109.9 N
\choice 126.4 N
\choice 145.3 N
\choice 167.1 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.4 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.3 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 138 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 84.2 N
\CorrectChoice 96.8 N
\choice 111.3 N
\choice 128 N
\choice 147.2 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.5 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.5 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 141 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 58.2 N
\choice 67 N
\choice 77 N
\choice 88.6 N
\CorrectChoice 101.8 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.1 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.5 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 135 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 45.8 N
\choice 52.6 N
\choice 60.5 N
\choice 69.6 N
\CorrectChoice 80.1 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.4 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.7 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 135 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 74.4 N
\CorrectChoice 85.5 N
\choice 98.4 N
\choice 113.1 N
\choice 130.1 N
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 2
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 6.4 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 2.3 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 174 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 20 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 23 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 26.5 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 30.4 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 35 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 7 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 3.6 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 153 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 12.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 14.4 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 16.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 19.1 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 22 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 6.7 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 2.5 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 101 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 7.2 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 8.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 9.5 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 11 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 5.4 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 3.9 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 136 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 12.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 14.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 16.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 19.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 22.2 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 5.1 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 2.8 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 148 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 14.2 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 16.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 18.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 21.5 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 24.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 5.4 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 2.3 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 138 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 10.2 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 11.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 13.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 15.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 17.9 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 6.5 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 2.5 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 141 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 10.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 11.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 13.6 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 15.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 5.1 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 3.5 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 135 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 13.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\CorrectChoice 15.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 18.1 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 20.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 23.9 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above (with m\textsubscript{1} = 6.4 kg, m\textsubscript{2} = 3.7 kg, and F\textsubscript{ext} = 135 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 13.4 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 15.4 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 17.7 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 20.3 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\choice 23.4 m/s\textsuperscript{2}
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 3
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 640 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.68 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 431 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.313
\choice 0.344
\choice 0.378
\choice 0.416
\CorrectChoice 0.458
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 625 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.54 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 445 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.263
\choice 0.289
\choice 0.318
\choice 0.35
\CorrectChoice 0.384
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 672 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.59 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 407 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.295
\choice 0.325
\CorrectChoice 0.357
\choice 0.393
\choice 0.432
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 664 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.53 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 418 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 0.334
\choice 0.367
\choice 0.404
\choice 0.444
\choice 0.488
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 679 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.61 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 380 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.31
\CorrectChoice 0.341
\choice 0.376
\choice 0.413
\choice 0.454
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 616 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.71 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 388 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 0.447
\choice 0.492
\choice 0.541
\choice 0.595
\choice 0.655
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 640 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.61 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 385 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.303
\choice 0.334
\CorrectChoice 0.367
\choice 0.404
\choice 0.444
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 692 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.61 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 406 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 0.358
\choice 0.394
\choice 0.433
\choice 0.476
\choice 0.524
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 616 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.68 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 421 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.422
\CorrectChoice 0.465
\choice 0.511
\choice 0.562
\choice 0.619
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 4
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.24 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 643 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 405 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.26
\choice 0.286
\choice 0.315
\choice 0.346
\CorrectChoice 0.381
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.36 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 683 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 406 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.455
\choice 0.501
\choice 0.551
\CorrectChoice 0.606
\choice 0.666
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.23 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 675 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 394 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 0.394
\choice 0.433
\choice 0.477
\choice 0.524
\choice 0.577
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.35 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 614 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 405 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.439
\choice 0.482
\CorrectChoice 0.531
\choice 0.584
\choice 0.642
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.33 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 663 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 422 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.39
\choice 0.428
\choice 0.471
\CorrectChoice 0.518
\choice 0.57
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.38 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 671 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 438 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.481
\choice 0.529
\CorrectChoice 0.582
\choice 0.64
\choice 0.704
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.23 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 607 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 429 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.269
\choice 0.296
\CorrectChoice 0.325
\choice 0.358
\choice 0.394
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.21 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 683 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 389 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.277
\choice 0.305
\choice 0.335
\CorrectChoice 0.369
\choice 0.406
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.3 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 662 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 430 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 0.42
\CorrectChoice 0.462
\choice 0.508
\choice 0.559
\choice 0.615
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 5
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.9 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 131 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.31, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.49 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 76.2 N
\CorrectChoice 87.6 N
\choice 100.8 N
\choice 115.9 N
\choice 133.3 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.7 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.1 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 137 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.34, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.47 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 56.7 N
\choice 65.2 N
\choice 74.9 N
\CorrectChoice 86.2 N
\choice 99.1 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.7 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.5 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 159 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.34, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.46 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 82 N
\choice 94.3 N
\CorrectChoice 108.5 N
\choice 124.8 N
\choice 143.5 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.9 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.5 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 165 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.35, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.44 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 68.3 N
\choice 78.6 N
\choice 90.4 N
\choice 103.9 N
\CorrectChoice 119.5 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.5 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.9 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 132 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.37, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.48 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 89.1 N
\choice 102.5 N
\choice 117.9 N
\choice 135.5 N
\choice 155.9 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.8 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.3 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 112 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.39, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.46 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 48.6 N
\choice 55.9 N
\choice 64.2 N
\CorrectChoice 73.9 N
\choice 85 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6.5 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 175 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.33, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.48 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 66.7 N
\choice 76.7 N
\choice 88.3 N
\choice 101.5 N
\CorrectChoice 116.7 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 6 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 3.2 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 173 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.31, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.44 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 110.2 N
\choice 126.7 N
\choice 145.7 N
\choice 167.6 N
\choice 192.7 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\newline In the figure shown above, the mass of m\textsubscript{1} is 5.2 kg, and the mass of m\textsubscript{2} is 2.9 kg. If the external force, F\textsubscript{ext} on m\textsubscript{2} is 179 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m\textsubscript{1} has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.36, and that for m\textsubscript{2} the coefficient is 0.46 .
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 74.4 N
\choice 85.5 N
\choice 98.3 N
\CorrectChoice 113.1 N
\choice 130.1 N
\end{choices} %%% end choices