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To convene this space, we are inviting others to

  1. express interest in one or more intentions held by OK core group and other members of the network
  2. join in taking a stand for largest scope, declaring as a steward of a space or field
  3. make specific intentions that they and their organization will also hold.

It would be very powerful to express the OK mission/vision in terms of the intentions of the core group. Then to understand our (OK and personal intentions based) needs as they relate to projects we want to invite in that may be able to contribute to us.


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Auction framework

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The CORBA frame is an interface that builds a self-hosting object broker for abstract entities.

OpenKollab is building social software that helps build and enhance quality of life for its user community that presents to the outside world a resilience and strenth that is ostensibly equipped to overcome a world-wide economic downturn. Theoretically, OK can capitalize on abstract surpluses of ideation-coding integrity that the group has developed over a number of years. This integrity and resilience is of representable value in terms of Human Capital. Adding Human Capital to Natural Capital creates an entirely new paradigm of transaction for Human and cybernetic actors.

Trading wheels

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The schema is for the transaction of representations of items of value having physical-seeming natures:

Now "physical-seeming" is a clue that these natures are abstract. What we are in effect building is a framework which holds a objects of value in Human terms thought of as an item for sale. Its easy to begin in the realm of the abstract, so much so that our application can be built from the ground up as a package well before any value can be lost due to physical limitations. See /list of physical limitations

CORBA uses an interface definition language (IDL) to specify the interfaces that objects will present to the outside world.

So. Using a metaphoric "object facility" connected with a "data-warehouse" we have what can be thought of, synthesized and constructed as a "cybernetic auction barn". This allows us to use collective intelligence to construct a meeting place on the Internet where people get together and swap things of value. Like a sim game, the framework resembles a mud or mush enviro representations of physicalnment, but includes actual physical objects OR their representations. Like ebay, people can post items for sale and try to attract a body of bidders. OK will have similarities but its distinct feature is that the items are used as conversation pieces and are not actually for sale.