Motivation and emotion/Book/2011/Aggression

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Aggression: What is the motivational role of aggression and how can it be effectively managed?

This page is part of the Motivation and emotion book. See also: Guidelines.
Completion status: this resource is ~25% complete.
[link here Multimedia presentation (5 min)]


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Where has the reader encountered aggression?

  • Within him or herself?
  • Within others?
    • Friends?
    • Family?
    • In a stranger?

A self-test

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1 Statement I

An aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response

2 Statement II

An aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response

3 Statement III

An aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response
Non-aggressive response

Why was this chapter written, and why read it?

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  • To explain or understand aggression
  • To to describe how to or to effectively manage aggression
    • The perils of unchecked aggression!

What does one mean by management of aggression

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  • Management strategies summary



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Levels (or perhaps types) of aggression:

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  • Violent aggression
  • Verbal aggression
  • Passive aggression
  • Agressive attitude - 'go-getter'?


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  • Individual differences
  • Differences in social and cultural understandings and perspectives on aggression


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From whence does aggression emerge within the individual at any given time?

  • Immediate biological processes
  • Immediate social and environmental processes

From whence does aggression come in a more theoretical sense?

To understand the theories surrounding this is to understand the possible explanations of the motivational role of aggression

Understanding from whence aggression comes and its purpose

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  • Justify explanation
  • Overview

Biological Explanations

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  • Genes
    • Description
    • Summary

Brain structures

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Brain structure Role
Frontal Cortex
Amygdala/limbic system


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Hormone Role
Arginine vasopressin


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Neurotrans. Role

Chemical influences

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Chemical. Role
Illicit drugs

Social and environmental causes

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  • Unusual circumstances (e.g. presented with 'justification')
  • The Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
    • Basis (i.e. scapegoating etc.)
    • Problems
      • Contradictions
      • Empirical evidence?
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Script Theory
    • News media
    • Entertainment (music, TV, games etc.)
  • General Aggression Model (GAM) - segue here using games
  • Cultural factors
    • Broad anthropological perspective
      • Across/within cultures
      • Time?
      • 'Aggressionism theory' - the historical perspective (N.B. this may be a waste of space - other page or drop?)

Evolutionary Understandings

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  • Link together the various biological elements
  • Link together the various social and enviromental theories
    • Is there an answer?
    • What can be said with confidence?
  • Evolutionary purpose
  • Place in society?
    • In past?
    • Today?
      • By culture


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  • Purpose
  • Use?


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  • What might one/others exhibit or experience?
  • What might one/others ultimately want?
  • Is there a healthy experience or use of Aggression?
  • How can this be achieved through management?
    • In others
    • In self