Motivation and emotion/Book/2024/Functional motives theory and environmental activism

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Functional motives theory:
How does this theory link to environmental activism?
Replace the link in the box above once the multimedia presentation has been published.


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Environmental activists are passionate individuals, who are strongly committed to positively influencing a change for the environment. Although environmental activists are highly committed to their work, the pace of the change they want to achieve can become painful and frustrating. There are many uncertainties that arise when following a path of environmental activism, such as 'will this benefit the environment in 20 years time?' or 'how do we know this will implement a positive change?'. In knowing this, we ask the question, how do environmental activists stay motivated and committed to their work with the uncertainty and frustration that what they are doing may not influence beneficial change?

Figure 1. Explore the topic, then brainstorm a structure.

An environmental activist is adamant on reducing environmental pollution such as pollution in the air and water. The activist has suggested peaceful protests as well as flyers around the city she lives in to engage more individuals in the cause. She has decided to leave a link to a website she created in hopes others will sign up and join her to help make a change. After one week, she noticed there had only been three people sign up, which is not enough to start a protest. The activist feels hopeless and uncertain that her initiatives are not enough to contribute to a sustainable environment. So how can we assure the activist remains motivated?

This template provides tips for the topic development exercise. Gradually remove these suggestions as the chapter develops. It is OK to retain some of this template content for the topic development exercise. Also consult the book chapter guidelines.

The Overview is typically consists of one to four paragraphs inbetween the scenario and focus questions. Suggested word count aim for the Overview: 180 to 330 words.

Suggestions for this section:

  • Engage the reader with a scenario, example, or case study, and an accompanying image
  • Explain the problem and why it is important
  • Outline how psychological science can help
  • Present focus questions

Focus questions: Break the problem (i.e., the sub-title) down into three to five focus questions. Focus questions can also be used as top-level headings.

  • What is the first focus question?
  • What is the second focus question?
  • What is the third focus question?

Ask open-ended focus questions. For example:

  • Is there a relationship between motivation and success? (closed-ended)
  • What is the relationship between motivation and success? (open-ended)


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  • Aim for three to six main headings inbetween the Overview and Conclusion
  • Sub-headings can also be used, but
    • avoid having sections with only one sub-heading
    • provide an introductory paragraph before breaking into sub-sections

Key points

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  • Provide at least three bullet-points per headingʔ and sub-heading, including for the Overview and Conclusion
  • Include key citations


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Figure 2. Example of an image with a descriptive caption.
  • Use figures to illustrate concepts, add interest, and to serve as examples
  • Figures can show photos, diagrams, graphs, video, audio, etcetera
  • Embed figures throughout the chapter, including the Overview section
  • Figures should be captioned (using Figure #. and a caption). Use captions to explain the relevance of the image to the text/
  • Wikimedia Commons provides a library of embeddable images
  • Images can also be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons if they are openly licensed
  • Refer to each figure at least once in the main text (e.g., see Figure 2)

Learning features

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Interactive learning features help to bring online book chapters to life and can be embedded throughout the chapter.

  • Scenarios or case studies describe applied/real-world examples of concepts in action
  • Case studies can be real or fictional
  • A case study could be split into multiple boxes throughout a chapter (e.g., to illustrate different theories or stages)
  • It is often helpful to present case studies using feature boxes.

Feature boxes
  • Important content can be highlighted in a feature box. But don't overuse feature boxes, otherwise they lose their effect.
  • Consider using feature boxes for:
    • Scenarios, case studies, or examples
    • Focus questions
    • Tips
    • Quiz questions
    • Take-home messages
  • Use to organise and summarise information
  • As with figures, tables should be captioned
  • Refer to each table at least once in the main text (e.g., see Table 1)
  • Example 3 x 3 tables which could be adapted

Table 1. Descriptive Caption Which Explains The Table and its Relevant to the Text - Johari Window Model

Known to self Not known to self
Known to others Open area Blind spot
Not known to others Hidden area Unknown
  • Using one or two review questions per major section is usually better than a long quiz at the end
  • Quiz conceptual understanding, rather than trivia
  • Don't make quizzes too hard
  • Different types of quiz questions are possible; see Quiz

Example simple quiz questions. Choose your answers and click "Submit":

1 Quizzes are an interactive learning feature:


2 Long quizzes are a good idea:



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  • The Conclusion is arguably the most important section
  • Suggested word count: 150 to 330 words
  • It should be possible for someone to only read the Overview and the Conclusion and still get a pretty good idea of the problem and what is known based on psychological science

Suggestions for this section:

  • What is the answer to the sub-title question based on psychological theory and research?
  • What are the answers to the focus questions?
  • What are the practical, take-home messages? (Even for the topic development, have a go at the likely take-home message)

See also

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Provide internal (wiki) links to the most relevant Wikiversity pages (esp. related motivation and emotion book chapters) and Wikipedia articles. Use these formats:

Suggestions for this section:

  • Present in alphabetical order
  • Use sentence casing
  • Include the source in parentheses


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List cited references in APA style (7th ed.) or wiki style.

APA style example:

Rosenberg, B. D., & Siegel, J. T. (2018). A 50-year review of psychological reactance theory: Do not read this article. Motivation Science, 4(4), 281–300.

Suggestions for this section:

  • Important aspects of APA style for references include:
    • Wrap the set of references in the hanging indent template. Use "Edit source": {{Hanging indent|1= the full list of references}}
    • Author surname, followed by a comma, then the author initials separated by full stops and spaces
    • Year of publication in parentheses
    • Title of work in lower case except first letter and proper names, ending in a full-stop
    • Journal title in italics, volume number in italics, issue number in parentheses, first and last page numbers separated by an en-dash(–), followed by a full-stop
    • Provide the full doi as a URL and working hyperlink
  • The most common mistakes include:
    • Incorrect capitalisation
    • Incorrect italicisation
    • Citing sources that weren't read or consulted

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Provide external links to highly relevant resources such as presentations, news articles, and professional sites. Use sentence casing. For example:

Suggestions for this section:

  • Only select links to major external resources about the topic
  • Present in alphabetical order
  • Include the source in parentheses after the link