Motivation and emotion/Book/2023/Tragic optimism/Poll

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On the 26th of September I posted a poll to the Motivation and emotion discussion board regarding Tragic Optimism. The goal of posting this poll was to gather peoples insights into what peoples reactions are to tragic events and if they have ever heard of it. Bellow I have posted the questions, summarised the findings and given my review of the findings. These results were recorded on the 4th of October. If you would like to look/answer the poll yourself click the below link

Tragic optimism poll

Questions & answer options

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Questions 1: Do you think of yourself as an optimistic person?

  • Answer option 1: Yes
  • Answer option 2: No

Questions 2: When something sad/tragic happens in your life, do you tend to ignore it or face it and look on the bright side?

  • Answer option 1: Ignore it
  • Answer option 2: Look on the bright side
  • Answer option 6: Other

Questions 3: If you tend to ignore the tragic event and try to move on without facing it, how do you feel?

  • Answer option 1: Happy
  • Answer option 2: Fulfilled
  • Answer option 3: Sad
  • Answer option 4: Depressed
  • Answer option 5: Never thought about it
  • Answer option 6: Other

Questions 4: If you face what has just happened and think on how this can help you cope in the future, how do you feel?

  • Answer option 1: Happy
  • Answer option 2: Fulfilled
  • Answer option 3: Sad
  • Answer option 4: Depressed
  • Answer option 5: Never thought about it
  • Answer option 6: Other

Questions 5: Have you every heard of tragic optimism before?

  • Answer option 1: Yes
  • Answer option 2: No


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Bellow shows the results of the questions posted above. Questions 1: Do you think of yourself as an optimistic person?

  • Answer option 1: 66%
  • Answer option 2: 32%

Questions 2: When something sad/tragic happens in your life, do you tend to ignore it or face it and look on the bright side?

  • Answer option 1: 32%
  • Answer option 2: 40%
  • Answer option 3: (see bellow responses, all contributing 4%)
    • Dwell on it, it affects me for a very long time
    • I face it, but not brightly or optimistically, just realistically or pragmatically
    • I will typically look on the bright side, but will ignore it until I talk too someone about it
    • It depends on the heaviness of the situation. For example, when my grandfather who was very old and sick passed it was ultimately a relief, however it was still sad and tragic and i experienced a deep loss not only for myself but for my family too.
    • I'd say in between, face it but not necessarily looking on the bright side
    • Face it, trying to be realistic. Sometimes I can catastrophise, but I do my best to understand that things happen and I will get over them.
    • Let myself experience the sadness. I don't want to force positivity, but I also don't want to ruminate on the issue for too long.

Questions 3: If you tend to ignore the tragic event and try to move on without facing it, how do you feel?

  • Answer option 1: 0%
  • Answer option 2: 4.8%
  • Answer option 3: 23.8%%
  • Answer option 4: 28.6%
  • Answer option 5: 19%
  • Answer option 6: (see bellow responses, all contributing 4.8%)
    • A mix of happy and depressed
    • Pushing it aside/ignoring it
    • incomplete, I tend to replay until I find some resolution
    • Dont tend to ignore
    • Unfulfilled

Questions 4: If you face what has just happened and think on how this can help you cope in the future, how do you feel?

  • Answer option 1: 12.5%
  • Answer option 2: 29.2%
  • Answer option 3: 4.2%
  • Answer option 4: 8.3%
  • Answer option 5: 25%
  • Answer option 6: (see bellow responses, all contributing 4.2%)
    • A mix of happy and depressed
    • Lonely
    • Less worried. Reassured?
    • Calm
    • Good

Questions 5: Have you every heard of tragic optimism before?

  • Answer option 1: 12%
  • Answer option 2: 88%


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Overall, what was recorded was what was expected. It firstly is no surprise that not many people have heard of tragic optimism, as there seems to be limit research on the matter. However, I do hope that the chapter 'tragic optimism' will now enable individuals to learn from it. Secondly, the respond to questions 3 and 4 were also not that surprising as the majority of people seems to answer as expected. However, if you feel differently as to what has been discussed please explain in the box bellow.

Open discussion

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