Motivation and emotion/Book/2023/Bedtime procrastination/Poll

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The following results (as of the 4th of October, 2023) came from the poll generated by the author. Out of own interest, the author wished to understand how common the cohort experiences general procrastination, and how this can be manifested into bedtime procrastination. All responses were kept confidential, and note, this information is from a small amount of students who decided to answer the poll.

Figure 1. General procrastination is heavily common among the responses, with only a few not experiencing the phenomenon.

With the first and second question, students were required to simply answer yes or no; for both, general procrastination and bedtime procrastination were evidently experienced by respondents (see Figure 1 and 2).


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The last question asked, 'In your opinion, what are the main impacts of bedtime procrastination in your life? How do you think this can be prevented?'

Responses varied from a sentence to a few explaining external influences that prompt students to have a set bedtime. For voluntarily wanting to delay sleep, majority of responses stated that it was due to having time for themselves, which reflects deliberate procrastination as the cause. Answers also included what participants experienced when they had lower sleeping hours; lack of productivity, poorer sleep quality, slower brain functioning, and sleep deprivation were the most common consequences of bedtime procrastination.

For a thorough review, this spreadsheet covers the replies from students.

Figure 2. Bedtime procrastination is also common among participants, with more students implying they do not experience the phenomenon.


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The author wishes to deeply thank the students who gave their time to complete the poll, and also with providing responses from their experiences with bedtime procrastination. The author also hopes that the chapter has provided an increased awareness to the psychological phenomena, and educated those not familiar with the concept.