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Motivation and emotion/Book/2018/Hope and motivation

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Hope and motivation:
What role does hope play in our motivational lives?


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Who does not experience hope at least once in their life? Hope is a really important and interesting topic in our motivational life.

What is motivation?

  • How can specific motivation and/or emotion theories and research help?

Types of content

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  • What is motivation?
  • What are the reasons for a lack of motivation?
  • Theory of Motivation
Figure 1. Hope is the pathway for motivation

What is motivation?

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Motivation is a question and debate that motivates people. Why do we do what we do? Many researchers try to explain, understand and answer these questions. Motivation is what make a person take action and make certain choices (Ushioda,2008). Motivation is the process that controls behaviour. (Mysahana,April18,2012)Retrieved from http://mysahana.org/2012/04/six-common-reasons-for-lack-of-motivation/

What are the reasons for a lack of motivation?

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Thus, a person will not have hope and it will affect their lives. Hope produces routes to desired goals and motivation to achieve those goals. Hope is also expectations for goal attainment (Snyder,2000).

Hope and motivation is significant in our lives and enables a person to live positively. Much research has been done about motivation and hope, such as in adolescence and children. According to Brooks,(2001), future success is affected, if children experience hopelesness.

According to Kenny et al (2010), research shows that work achievement and career planning are affected by hope-related beliefs.

According to Synder et al, (2002), hope is important to achieve goals and studies show hope is a key to academic success.

Hopelessness can affect the human body negatively. The study was conducted to understand relationships of hopelessness and depression with suicidal thinking. The study showed that hopelessness was more significant than depression for explaining suicidal thinking (Beck et al,1993).

Theory of Motivation

Maslow's Theory Maslow hierarchy need is motivation theory and developed by Abraham Maslow. In Maslow theory there are five basic needs which are related to each other and hierarchy in prepotency (Maslow, 1943). The needs are important elements for the motivation drive, It is starting point. In Maslow hierarchy needs including: Physiological needs, then safety needs, the love needs, the esteem, the self actualization. First needs are physiological needs such as food and water because food and water are significant for the body. Second is safety needs such as security. Third element is in hierarchy the love needs which intimacy and belongingness. Fourth element is the esteem which are self-esteem and for the esteem of others, achievement. The fifth element is the self actualization which is understanding personal growth ,(Leavitt, Pondy & Boje, D.1989).

Important to think about the positive future

Quiz question

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Motivation and hope can effect.... Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

all of below.
future success.
achievement related beliefs.
academic success.


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Hope and motivation have profound effects on our lives and futures. Hope is important for success and for motivation in our lives.

See also

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Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., Beck, J. S., & Newman, C. F. (1993). Hopelessness, depression, suicidal ideation, and clinical diagnosis of depression. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 23(2), 139-145.

Brooks, R. B. (2001). Fostering Motivation, Hope, and Resilience in Children with Learning Disorders. Annals of Dyslexia, 51(1), 9-20.

Leavitt, H. J., Pondy, L. R., & Boje, D. M. (Eds.). (1989). Readings In Managerial Psychology. University of Chicago Press.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological review, 50(4), 370.

Mysahana, (18 April 2012). Retrieved from http://mysahana.org/2012/04/six-common-reasons-for-lack-of-motivation/

Kenny, M. E., Walsh-Blair, L. Y., Blustein, D. L., Bempechat, J., & Seltzer, J. (2010). Achievement Motivation Among Urban Adolescents: Work hope, autonomy support, and achievement-related beliefs. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(2), 205-212.

Snyder, C. R. (Ed.). (2000). Handbook of hope: Theory, measures, and applications. Academic press.

Snyder, C. R., Shorey, H. S., Cheavens, J., Pulvers, K. M., Adams III, V. H., & Wiklund, C. (2002). Hope and Academic Success in College. Journal of educational psychology, 94(4), 820.

Ushioda, E. (2008). Motivation and good language learners. na.

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