Motivation and emotion/Book/2010/Procrastination/Answers to procrastination crossword
Answers to Procrastination Crossword
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3. Procrastination associated with sensation seeking and self-control: AROUSAL
4. Common strategy used to set good goals SMART
9. Necessary to help us overcome procrastination by helping to override dominant destructive, irrational or undesirable behaviours SELF CONTROL
10. The irrational belief that one will finish a task on time WISHFUL THINKING
11. Procrastination associated with self-worth and self-esteem AVOIDANT
12. The main reason neurotic individuals procrastinate – they are IMPULSIVE
13. The process of delaying a task or decision until a later time, often resulting in negative affect PROCRASTINATION
14. Morningness and Eveningness traits are associated with what rhythm CIRCADIAN
15. Principle used to change procrastination tendencies, based in the operant school of thought STIMULUS CONTROL
1. Arousal procrastination may occur in order to experience 'FLOW'
2. How desirable a choice is (within the Temporal Motivation Theory) UTILITY
5. Tasks are likely to be procrastinated on if they are boring and are going to be EVALUATED
6. A strategy used to protect self-esteem in the face of failure SELF HANDICAPPING
7. The Greek poet who wrote about procrastination in 800BC HESIOD
8. Students are more likely to procrastinate on tasks provided by what age lecturers YOUNG