Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Topic/Proposed
Most topics are about how "X" affects "Y" (where X or Y refer to some aspect of motivation or emotion).
Example topic sub-titles:
- Motivation
- What motivates people to A? or How can we be more/less motivated to A? where A = specific behaviour such as:
- gamble
- do aerobic exercise
- eat healthily
- use drug Y
- What is B? or How can B be applied to improving C? where B = a motivation model or theory such as:
- self-determination theory
- transtheoretical model of change and motivation
- theory of planned behaviour
- What motivates people to A? or How can we be more/less motivated to A? where A = specific behaviour such as:
- Emotion
- Why do we experience D? or How can we better manage D? where D = emotion, emotional quality, or mood such as:
- anger, anxiety, fear, joy, jealousy, pride etc.
- emotional intelligence, psychological resilience etc.
- What is the effect of E on D and what can be done about it? where E = a life event such as:
- goal achievement
- pregnancy
- ageing
- What is the F model/theory of emotion and how can it be applied? where F = an emotion model or theory such as:
- broaden and build theory of positive emotion
- stress recovery theory
- reversal theory
- Why do we experience D? or How can we better manage D? where D = emotion, emotional quality, or mood such as: