Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Chapter/Feature boxes
Feature boxes
Feature boxes are used to highlight interesting content, such as examples, scenarios, case studies, and interactive activities.
When well used, features boxes make chapters more engaging and interesting to read.
There are lots of ways to create feature boxes, but pretty boxes are recommended.
To copy a feature box, click "Edit source", locate the box, copy the code, go to the target page, click "Edit source", paste the box code, edit the contents, and then publish.
[edit | edit source]This is the simplest box. It is created by using a space at the start of the text.
Basic box:
Example feature box
This is a robelbox with a title and colour 1 from here. |
This is a "round box" with colour 3 from here. These boxes arguably work the best. |
Examples of chapters which use feature boxes
[edit | edit source]Examples of chapter which make effective use of feature boxes:
- Criminal record self-stigma and motivation (2019)
- Exergaming and fitness motivation (2019)
- False confession motivation (2019)
- Female killer motivation (2019)
- Sharenting motivation (2019)
- Stimming motivation (2019)