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This is the documentation page for Module:Mooc

 This module is part of the MOOC interface.

This is the central MOOC script to render a MOOC item at a wiki page.

Invokable functions

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The following functions are static and therefore can be invoked by wiki pages.


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Renders the overview at the invoking page. The overview page lists all lessons the MOOC consists of.


  1. Frame: frame - WikiMedia frame object holding information about the invoking page

Returns: string representation of the overview page rendered


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Renders a MOOC item at the invoking page. The title of the invoking page is used to identify the item that should be rendered. Thus you can not invoke the module on non-MOOC pages: The page title must be a sub page of the MOOC page.


  1. Frame: frame - WikiMedia frame object holding information about the invoking page


  • string representation of the item rendered
  • throws an error if the invoking page is not a child of the MOOC base
  • throws an error if the invoking page does not represent any MOOC item (see explanation above)

Instance functions

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The following functions are accessible by other Lua modules if they have access to a MOOC instance. Therefore they can not be invoked by wiki pages directly.

Initializes the MOOC module. This method can be overridden and is supposed to register type handlers for all item types known. If the method is overridden you should always call the super method.


  1. String: baseUrl - page title of the MOOC base (the page where the MOOC is located)


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Registers a type handler for a MOOC item type.


  1. Mooc/TypeHandler: typeHandler - instance of the type handler to be registered


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Determines the page title of the MOOC base. This default implementation considers the root page of the invoking wiki page as MOOC base.

Returns: page title of the MOOC base


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Determines the page title of the default MOOC index. The default MOOC index is located `/MoocIndex` relative to the MOOC base.

Returns: page title of the MOOC index


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Gets the MOOC item path of the invoking wiki page. The MOOC item path is always relative to the MOOC base.


  • MOOC item path of the invoking wiki page
  • nil if the invoking page is not a child of the MOOC base


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Retrieves the plain wiki text content of the MOOC index page.


  • wiki text of the MOOC index page
  • throws an error if the content retrieval failed


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Renders the overview at the invoking page. The overview page lists all lessons the MOOC consists of.


  1. Frame: frame - WikiMedia frame object holding information about the invoking page

Returns: string representation of the overview page rendered


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Renders a MOOC item at the invoking page. At the moment a page can only render the item it represents. (item with the path equal to the page title relative to the MOOC base)


  1. Frame: frame - WikiMedia frame object holding information about the invoking page


  • string representation of the item rendered
  • throws an error if the invoking page is not a child of the MOOC base
  • throws an error if the invoking page does not represent any MOOC item (see explanation above)

Local functions

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The following functions are local and therefore can not be invoked by wiki pages or other Lua modules.


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Gets the type handler for a certain MOOC item type. The handler must be registered before e.g. by using `addTypeHandler`.


  1. String: typeIdentifier - identifier of the MOOC item type the handler is needed for


  • template handler for the MOOC item type specified
  • throws an error if no registered type handler handles the item type specified