Metaphysics (Alternate View)/Translation/Shell and Energy

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Velcro is a trademark. It is used for a closure consisting of a piece of fabric of small hooks that sticks to a corresponding fabric of small loops.

A Shell is a self interlocking set of fields. Think of a small ping-pong ball. Or, imagine a very small bar magnet spinning at the speed of light. Think of a line of Magno which leaves the North end of this bar magnet and immediately loops back to its South pole. The rotation rate is so fast the surface of the Shell has no polarity. The loops are all over the surface like part of a Velcro strip. When you touch something, you sense the contact of the Shells.

There are three sizes of Shells: Normal, Small, and Smallest. Their common names are: atom, neutron, and subneutron. Except for their size, they are identical. Our sun is a large collection of normal Shells. It is also possible to have neutron stars and black holes. Free neutrons and subneutrons within our sun gave rise to explosions which produced our planets. A large collection of subneutrons will produce a black hole. Their income lines of Gravity are very intense. Their Gravity will push other Shells into the Black Hole where they are reconverted to Space.

A Hydrogen atom comprises a small Shell or neutron inside a normal Shell. When the two centers are co-located, they count as one. Otherwise, they count as two centers. On the average, the number of centers is 1.00797, which is its atomic weight.

Adding an orbiting neutron to a Hydrogen atom converts it to a Deuterium atom with an atomic weight of 2.0141.

In our sun, the force of Gravity is so strong at its center, it stops two Normal Shells, and they unSpin. The two free neutrons enter two different Hydrogen atoms to produce to two Deuterium atoms that combine under pressure to produce a Helium atom. A Helium atom comprises two Deuterium atoms. However, the two orbiting neutrons have lost their fields of Spin, and they exist in the intersection of the two normal Shells to pin them together. Helium’s atomic weight is 4.0026.

A Carbon atom comprises six Deuterium atoms in a ring. Again, the six orbiting neutrons lose their Spin and act to pin the normal Shells at their six intersections. The atomic weight of Carbon is 12.01115.

Atoms in our periodic table are stable atoms created by neutrons pinning Shells together at their intersections.

When two Hydrogen atoms combine to form a Hydrogen molecule, they have an unpinned intersection.

A solid is a set of atoms with many unpinned intersections. A liquid is a set of atoms with a few unpinned intersections. A gas is a set of atoms with near zero unpinned intersections.

A subhydrogen atom comprises a subneutron inside a neutron. When the two centers are co-located, they count as one. Otherwise, they count as two centers. On the average, the number of centers is 1.00797, which is its atomic weight.

It is possible to have subcarbon, suboxygen, etc. Some day we may have a subperiodic table.

A Hydrogen atom comprises a neutron inside a normal Shell. However, this neutron need not be an empty Shell. It could be a subhydrogen atom or a suboxygen atom. If true, it will behave different than a simple Hydrogen atom. In other words, our world at the atomic level is very different.

A stable Oxygen atom has fourteen neutrons circling in two orbits within a normal Shell. The fifteenth neutron acts as an anchor and resides just outside the empty center of the normal Shell. This provides sixteen centers. However, the fifteenth neutron passes through the empty center from time to time. When the two centers are co-located, the mass count drops to fifteen. On the average, the mass is 15.9994 which is its atomic weight.

UNSTABLE - Life as we know it starts with an unstable atom. Think of two Oxygen atoms side by side. Let one of them be hit with energy in the form of Ray. Let one neutron in this one atom be forced into the other atom, and all neutrons move in an unpredictable manner in their own orbit.

The atom that Gains a neutron becomes the G (Gent) atom and the atom that Loses a neutron becomes the L (Lady) atom. The G atom will evolve into the male of the species since it starts with more energy. The L atom will evolve into the female of the species.

GROW - Let these unstable atoms make contact with stable atoms and cover themselves with the stable atoms. There are three outcomes: Zero, One, and Two. The zero-hole refers to an unstable atom completely covered with stable atoms so there is no opening. The one-hole has one opening and will evolve into an animal. The two-hole has two openings and will evolve into a plant.

EAT - Select a G1 atom. As it grows in size, let it draw energy, Spin, from the stable atoms it contacts at its open end.

REPRODUCE - Let this energy accumulate in the G1 atom so that the G1 atom begins to make some of the other inside atoms unstable. Let this G1 one atom reproduce G and L unstable atoms.

EJECT - Let this G1 atom now rid itself of unwanted stable and unstable atoms.

An UGERE molecule is alive when it is unstable and able to grow larger, consume energy, reproduce, and rid itself of stable and unstable atoms. When it is no longer able to perform all of these functions, it is dead or dying.

Let a zero-hole molecule be within an animal. Let an event happen which converts it to a one-hole molecule which becomes alive. It is known as a cancer.

Let an animal reproduce unstable atoms on an 80/20 ratio. Let this ratio change over time to 20/80. We say the animal went through a sex change. For a human, a man becomes a homosexual, and a woman becomes a lesbian.


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To understand Einstein’s mass (m) to energy (E) equation, look at a sheet of polar graph paper. Select the largest complete circle and assume it has a radius of ‘c’ which is the distance a quantum of light travels in one second. Let this circle represent a sphere.

Return to the time before the first Big Bang. Let the first incoming radial lines of Gravity start inward and stop at the surface of this sphere. Now let the lines of Gravity continue and stop again at the center point. All of the Gravity within the sphere will convert to Ray and other fields and produce a normal Shell, that is, a mass of one.

Assume for the moment a mass of one (m1) at the center and a second mass of one (m2) at the surface of this sphere. Use Newton’s Gravitation Law to determine the force (F) acting on the mass at the surface.

  • or

Energy (E) equals force time distance [c] for one line of Gravity.

The volume of this sphere is (4/3) pi .

This provides the total energy for a mass of one.

Set and one has .

Einstein’s equation gives the energy for a mass of one, but it doesn’t say where the energy is.


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First law of thermodynamics

In any process, the total energy of the universe remains the same.

This reads as follows in this article; the total Space and energy of the universe remains the same.

There is the field of Space and ten other fields. These ten fields I call energy fields. However, energy is not a property of our physical universe. Energy is the capacity to do work. Work is the ability to transfer one field to another field. The common view involves moving a mass from one point to another point or converting the mass to other fields.

As I have defined my physical universe, it is a self contained set of interacting ideas. It starts as an ideal of a position, a point. Adding more spheres of points produces our Space field, which contracts to a Big Bang. Our physical universe cycles from one Big Bang to the next. No ideas enter or leave this universe.

Second law of thermodynamics

The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

For a closed thermodynamic system, entropy is a quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work. It is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system.

This model says Space is expanding and everything else is reconverting to Space.

Third law of thermodynamics

As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum.

This defines the conditions for the start of another contraction of our physical universe as it cycles from one Big Bang to the next.


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Look at a sheet of polar graph paper and imagine you are looking down at our physical universe. After the Big Bang, it spiraled outward. As the distance from the center increases, the angular velocity slows. Assume it is not relevant. This means the clouds of Hydrogen gas moved out along the radial lines. Time passes and Gravity compresses them, but the galaxies continue to move along the radial lines. This outward movement is due to Linear motion provided at the Big Bang. It can only be slowed, stopped, and reversed by Gravity which takes forever.

Imagine two galaxies moving outward on two adjacent radial lines. Both are crossing the first circle when an astronomer measures their separation. When the astronomer crosses the second circle, she repeats the measurement. To her surprise, she finds the second galaxy is not at the second circle as predicted. It is at the third circle. It appears to have accelerated. This is impossible. What happened?

There is no mystery. Both galaxies generated a vast amount of Space The thickness of Space increased between them. Light from the second galaxy just slowed down as it moved through the thicker Space. The astronomer thought space was a void and did not account for the increase in thickness.

Faster than light

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Imagine a space ship accelerating under rocket power. What happens as it approaches the speed of light? The Basic Cycle is still in effect. The space ship generates Space in the direction it is traveling. As the ship approaches the speed of light, a Space wall builds in front of the ship preventing any increase in speed. Gravity cannot convert to Space in the direction of motion. Instead, it converts to Ray. The space ship is now moving with the expanding Space.

This dense Space permeates the space ship. However, the distance between the pilot and his console remains the same. Viewed from outside, the space ship has contracted in the direction of travel, but all appears normal inside.

To travel faster than light, it is necessary to overcome the Basic Cycle and convert the incoming opposing lines of Gravity to Ray. This happened during the compression period and should be possible during the expansion period.

Our physical universe cycles from one Big Bang to the next so time is continuous. One can mark time zero at any point or event. I’ve marked it at the time of the Big Bang. Ergo, time runs from one Big Bang to the next and does not slow down for humans. Likewise, cause and effect are continuous. A human is aware of time in that he or she processes ideas in a serial fashion.

Clocks are a different story. If two clocks are traveling at different speed, the faster moving clock will appear to slow. Like the space ship, the atoms in the faster moving clock have to move through thicker Space. This is also true for atoms in an animate object, and the object appears to live longer.

There is no traveling back in time. The ideas that comprise our physical universe only exist now.


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If the above model is valid, it means that every ‘thing’ is nonphysical. This in turn means the relationships between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value need to be reexamined.

For example, in his book on the history of western philosophy, Russell talks about Plotinus. Plotinus believed in the recycle of the soul, but memory doesn’t carry over. The universe is a life organized effective, complex, all-comprehensive, displaying an unfathomable wisdom. Also, many philosophers bring a God into their view of our universe, and this needs closer examination.

On the physics side, scientists and mathematicians seem to be driving toward quantum light, quantum gravity, quantum time, quantum space, and so on. They seem to be reaching for the points which formed the bases for the above model.

The point is the above model and ideas are not unique or original, but be aware, no one agrees with the above ideas.