Metaphysics (Alternate View)/Translation

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Our physical universe is a self contained set of interacting logical ideas. We process these ideas and think they are real.

Our physical ideas comprise the field of Space and ten other fields: Gravity, Ray, Kone, Electro, Magno, Spin, Shells, and Linear motion. There are three sizes of Shells: Normal, Small, and Smallest. Except for their size, they are identical. These fields are often called energy fields, and they reconvert to Space with the passage of time.

The task now is to translate the above terms into more familiar terms.


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Basic Cycle Rule (Partial)

During an expansion period of our physical universe, Space converts to incoming lines of Gravity at the outer limit of Space. At the center of Shells, i.e., inner limits, the incoming opposing lines of Gravity convert to expanding spheres of Space.

Maxwell believed there was an ether between the objects in space that allowed the propagation of light waves as air did for sound waves.

Michelson and Morely conducted their experiment to test for an ether and found none. They were looking for light interference. The results of their experiment led others to believe that space was a void.

To reduce vibrations, their test apparatus sat on top of a block of marble, which floated in a pool of mercury. It never dawned on them the marble and the mercury were generating Space like a three dimensional artesian well.

Which view is correct? Is Space a void or a field?

There are those who believe our physical universe started with the Big Bang.
They believe there was nothing before the Big Bang and something came from nothing. They have no purpose for our physical universe. It just is.
Some of them believe in the void of space.

Does this sound like logical reasoning to you?

If space is a void, is it finite or infinite? If it is finite, what is on the other side?
If it is infinite, is it full of matter or is all the matter in our local area?
If space is full of matter, one runs into Olber’s paradox.'_paradox

If all the matter is local, then how did it happen? Given the Big Bang, did something come from nothing?

The following assumes Space is a field. From inside the physical universe, Space appears infinite and centers approaching the outer limit lose their energy and become a point in Space. From outside, i.e., in The Universe, Space has a zero physical dimension. Space and its energy fields are all part of a oneness. Let’s look at another part of this oneness.


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Basic Cycle Rule (Definition)

During an expansion period of our physical universe and at its outer limit, Space converts to incoming lines of Gravity. At the center of Shells, i.e., inner limits, the incoming opposing lines of Gravity convert to expanding spheres of Space. The incoming unopposed lines of Gravity convert to Linear motion at the center of Shells. The direction of motion is the same as for the incoming unopposed lines of Gravity.'s_law_of_universal_gravitation

Newton’s Gravitation Law

Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force along the line of the centers of the two objects that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the separation between the two objects.


    • F is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two point masses,
    • G is the gravitational constant
    • m1 is the mass of the first point mass,
    • m2 is the mass of the second point mass,
    • r is the distance between the two point masses.

Object equals something perceptible by one or more of our senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing, i.e., the substance out of which a thing is or can be made.

Mass equals the amount of matter.

In science, matter is commonly defined as the substance which physical objects are composed. Matter takes up space. In philosophy, matter is that element of an object without which it would not exist.

Object = something, material, thing; Mass = matter; Matter = substance, object.

For this article, mass pertains to the number of Shell centers. Since there is no practical way of counting the number of these centers, Newton’s definition is acceptable.

To better understand his equation, imagine our physical universe has only two Shell centers. One is at the original point, and one is a zillion light years away. Each center is busy converting its incoming opposing lines of Gravity to expanding spheres of Space.

However, between these two centers, there is one missing line of Gravity. Each center intercepted the other center’s incoming line of Gravity. Ergo, each has one incoming unopposed line of Gravity which converts to Linear motion. The centers move toward each other.

Therefore, the force of Gravity is a compressive force, not an attractive force, and one can forget about the ‘action at a distance’ concept.

To better understand his equation, imagine there are two objects in our physical universe. One object is at the original point and has two Shell centers. The second object is a zillion light years away and has three Shell centers. There are now six missing lines of Gravity between the two objects. Ergo, there are six unopposed lines of Gravity coming into each object which are converting to Linear motion.

Therefore, the force of Gravity between two objects is a product of their masses.

To better understand his equation, look at a sheet of polar graph paper. The circles represent expanding spheres of Space. The radial lines represent incoming lines of Gravity. Imagine a mass of one at the center of the paper.

Locate a second mass of one two-inches from the center. Let this mass have a radius of one unit and a diameter of two units. Draw lines from the center of the paper to the ends of the radii. Let this triangle represent a cone.

The incoming radial lines of Gravity stay perpendicular to the expanding Shells of Space. The cone for this second mass is intercepting the incoming radial lines of Gravity intended for the first mass at the center of the paper.

Move the second mass of one to the one-inch mark and redraw the cone. Extend the sides of the cone to include the two inch mark. Look at the radius at this two inch mark. The radius has doubled and the area of interception has increased by the square.

Therefore, the denominator controls the amount of incoming radial lines of Gravity each object intercepts which would normally go to the other object.

Look at the sheet of polar graph paper. In Newton’s time, the circles represented the field of gravity about a piece of mass. This field extended to infinity whatever that meant. A problem occurs when the mass converts to energy and ceases to be. What happens to the gravity field?

Ray is an ubiquitous linear field. In space, Ray is known as a neutrino. In a thunder cloud, Ray is known as lightning. In a house, Ray is known as electricity.


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During the compression period of our physical universe before the present expansion period, incoming lines of Gravity converted to Ray at the center of a Shell. This is also true for our expansion period. It is a left over trace process. Ray moves from the center of a Shell to its surface and converts to light, see below. There is a disturbance on the surface of the Shell which we call an electron. As Ray rotates, it creates the illusion of an electron in orbit. The side of the disturbance with Ray is the positive side. The side without Ray is the negative side. Thus, the electron appears negative.

Tesla Coil

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Assume a basic operating Tesla coil. Touch the top of the coil and withdraw your finger. An arc of light appears between one’s finger and the top of the coil.

Note: One does not see light moving from one position to another. One only sees the light entering one’s eyes.

In this case, the coil generates Ray. Ray fires from the top of the coil to the nearest Shell which in this case is in one’s finger. As the separation distance increases, Ray continues to move from Shell center to Shell center. At each center, Ray converts to light and part of that light reaches one’s eyes.

Be aware, Tesla did not know he was working with energy in one dimension.


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A radiometer is a horizontal wheel in a vacuum jar. Attached to the wheel are black and white vanes. When hit with radiant light, the black vanes recede. When hit with fluorescent light, nothing happens. Ergo, light is not the cause of the movement of the vanes.

Radiant light like an Edison lamp or our sun emits Rays. These Rays hit the black surfaces and convert to Linear motion. When these Rays hit the white surfaces, they convert to angular motion, i.e., Spin, and then they reconvert to Rays. In a fluorescent lamp, Ray travels from one end the tube to the other end but not out to the radiometer.

Hold your hand near a burning log. As Carbon and Oxygen combine, angular energy or Spin converts to Ray. Ray fires in many directions. The Ray that hits your hand converts to Linear motion at the normal Shells in your hand and to Spin for the small Shells. The normal Shells in your hand move in a random fashion and one senses a rise in temperature.


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Neutrinos are elementary particles that travel close to the speed of light, lack an electric charge, are able to pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed and are thus extremely difficult to detect. Neutrinos have a minuscule, but nonzero mass.

In this model of our physical universe, Ray is Neutrino. Ray is energy in one dimension. As such, it has the capability to pass through the Earth without hitting anything. However, there is no information on the length of a Ray or the amount of energy contained in a single Ray as it travels through space. While Ray might be the basis for string theory, there is no information to suggest such a relationship. Also, it has no mass.


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Lightning is a dramatic example of electricity. As a cloud moves through the air, Linear motion converts to Spin, and the neutrons in the atoms, e.g., Oxygen atoms, increase their rotation. Also, there are Oxygen atoms between the clouds and the ground. Ray moves between these atoms and each increases its amount of Spin. Near the ground, something happens, and an Oxygen atom converts its orbital energy to Ray, and Ray fires at the ground. This sets off a domino effect that moves upward to the cloud. As many Rays fire downward, they hit other mass centers below them, and the Rays convert to light. We see a flash of lightning. Ray also converts to Linear motion, and some moments later, we hear the resulting thunder.

On a smaller scale, think of a AA battery sitting on a shelf. A slow chemical change takes place as orbiting neutrons convert their energy to Ray like the clouds did. Ray leaks out the top, and in time, the battery is dead.

This time, connect a wire from the top to the bottom of the battery. Ray flows through the center of the wire and returns to stimulate the chemical reaction to produce more Ray. In most cases, Ray also excites the atoms in the wire, and it melts.

The above direct current example sends Ray through the center of the wire from center to center. It excites these centers, and they sent Ray to the surface. This increase in electrons is measured as an increase in current flow only it is not the electrons that are flowing. Also, as a Ray moves through a wire, it cannot convert directly to a perpendicular Ray. Ray first converts at a mass center to Magno and then from Magno to a perpendicular Ray. Thus there is a magnetic field about the wire.

Passing a copper wire through a magnetic field converts Linear motion to Ray which runs along the wire. Likewise, running Ray through a wire in a magnetic field converts Ray to Linear motion. In our real world, there is a prime mover that turns a generator to produce electricity which runs along the wires to turn a motor.

In a generator, when Linear motion converts to Ray in the magnetic field, the existence of Ray causes an immediate reconversion back to Linear motion in an effort to stop the movement. This backward force is not enough to stop the prime mover from turning the generator. However, it does change the field environment at the mass center. Linear motion now converts to a perpendicular Ray that must continuously convert from Electro to Magno as at a light center. This oscillation takes place at a center but this center does not move along the wire. So, how is the mechanical or Linear motion energy carried along a wire to a load? It appears that this oscillation changes the environment for the mass centers near the surface of the wire. Ray then moves from mass center to mass center along the surface to the load.

Nothing is known about the field of Kone. However, its existence can be tested as follows.

Omit the marble and Mercury pool and reproduce the Michelson and Morely apparatus. Adjust the mirrors for total light interference. Clone the apparatus. Use the output of one apparatus as the input to the cloned apparatus and recover the input light.

The total light interference will produce blackness. Since energy cannot be destroyed, the energy is still oscillating in fields but not the electromagnetic (EM) field.

This article says the oscillation is occurring between the Kone and Magnetic fields. Our eyes did not evolve to detect these fields, so they appear black.

Subtract a letter from each letter in the EM spectrum to define a DL (Dark Light) spectrum. This Dark Light spectrum also pertains to dark matter, dark energy, and sun spots.


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A light center pertains to a point, i.e., center, called a photon or quantum of light. Light also pertains to a stream of centers called the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Visible light pertains to a part of this spectrum.

During the compression period before the Big Bang, the fields of Gravity, Ray, Kone, Electro, Magno, and Spin existed at centers. After the Big Bang, those centers that did not become mass centers moved outward to dissipate their energies and become points in the Space field.

After the Big Bang, the origin of a light center starts at a mass center which converts incoming energy to Ray. Think of a Shell as a golf ball. Ray fires at a dimple and moves on to the next dimple. As Ray fires from one point on the surface of a Shell to another point, it gives the appearance of an electron in orbit. However, this action by Ray is discrete, and the point on the surface of a Shell is a pseudo center called an electron.

At a pseudo center, a small amount of Ray exists with a small amount of Spin or rotational energy. However, Ray cannot rotate from vertical to horizontal due to this Spin; Ray is not a stick. In order for Ray to appear to rotate, it must convert to another field. In this case, Ray oscillates in the fields of Electro and Magno. The amplitude of these fields represents Ray’s energy. Initially, Ray oscillates in a plane tangent to Shell.

This pseudo center has no mass and pops off with the coming of an expanding sphere of Space due to the Basic Cycle and becomes a light center. The velocity of this light center if emitted from a moving object is not the sum of light’s velocity plus the object’s velocity. The sphere of Space does not exist on the object.

In line with this new light center, the mass center produces another light center. These are discrete centers with a gap between them. The energy in this stream of light centers depends on these gaps. As the gap size decreases, one says the frequency of the light stream increases, and its energy increases.

During an expansion period, these light centers no longer convert incoming radial lines of Gravity. This means Gravity does not bend light since there is no Linear motion field associated with these light centers. These centers do not move like the centers of Shells. Instead, they move outward with the expanding spheres of Space resulting from the Basic Cycle. It is these spheres of Space that move outward with the speed of light.

Sir Arthur Eddington conducted an experiment to show the bending of light by gravity as predicted by Einstein. The test occurred during a total eclipse of the sun. A star behind our sun was seen before its time. All believed gravity bent the star light which was heading out into space. The bending was great enough so one could see the star light before its time on Earth.

This article provides a different interpretation of the results. In this case, Space is not a void as believed by Einstein and others. The star light seen by Sir Eddington was originally headed into our sun, on the other side of course. As the light approached our sun, the expanding spheres of Space pushed the light away from our sun. Each quantum of star light continued in a straight line and effectively stepped around our sun before continuing on its way to Earth.


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Magno is our familiar magnetic field.

Most people know one end of a bar magnet is the North pole and the other is the South pole. They also know the Earth has a magnetic field with North and South poles. They also know opposites attract and like poles repel. But, few know why there is a pole in the first place, why the poles are different, and why they interact as they do.

An Iron atom comprises four normal Shells. There are six orbiting neutrons in each of these Shells. In their four intersections, there are also six orbiting neutrons plus one central neutron in each of the intersections. These orbiting neutrons or small Shells act like gyroscopes. The centers of these small Shells convert incoming lines of Gravity to Ray, and each gyro produces one combined Ray. When these gyros have the proper alignment, their Rays oppose each other at the center of the Iron atom and convert to Magno. The lines of Magno leave the center of the iron atom and circle around to re-enter the atom. The incoming lines of Magno recombine at the center of the atom to produce a Ray. This perpendicular Ray leaves the iron atom.

The side of an iron atom with Ray is its North pole.

Look at the ends of a bar magnet and imagine a funnel at each end caused by its magnetic field. Each funnel guides incoming lines of Gravity into the Shell centers in the bar magnet. The funnels are the same at both ends.

Place two bar magnets so their opposite poles are close to each other but not touching. The funnels between the magnets all but disappear. This results in more unopposed incoming lines of Gravity at the ends of the magnets. This Gravity converts to Linear motion and moves the bar magnets toward each other. One says opposite poles attract.

Place two bar magnets so their like poles are close to each other but not touching. The funnels between the magnets widen. This results in more unopposed incoming lines of Gravity between the like poles of the magnets. This Gravity converts to Linear motion and moves the bar magnets away from each other. One says like poles repel.

Hitting a magnet disorients its internal gyros, and it loses its magnetism. Hysteresis is the lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field.

A model of our universe is not worth much if the theory cannot be tested. So, set up a radiometer in an almost dark room. Hold a strong bar magnet close to the black vanes, and watch Ray from the North pole move the vanes.


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For a better understanding of Spin and Linear motion, visit the above sites for the Simple Pendulum, Conical Pendulum, Gyroscope, and Kepler’s Laws. In most physics books, the equation for the conical pendulum is wrong. The above ideas present additional ways to test the above model. Please click on the Shell and Energy link below to go to the third page of this article.

Shell and Energy