MATLAB/Wikiquiz writer (MATLAB)/main.m
clear;clc; % Creates three wiki pages from a conceptual quiz (w/o letters) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% USER ENTERS ouputfilename/test header HERE: headertext='pe06Derive'; %headertext is BOTH test header and matlab filename categorytext ='';%'[[Category:How things work/Quizzes]] '; permalinktext = '';%not needed if extra lines is zero %%%% USER ENTERS EXTRA LINES HERE * extralines = 0;%Insert 0, 1, or 2 lines into wikiquiz page. textline1=['This Quiz is based on ' permalinktext ]; textline2=['<br><big>[[/Testbank/|Click for link to TESTBANK]]</big><br><big>[[../How to use testbank|How to use these quizzes]]<br>' categorytext]; %%%% DEFAULT/backup: % extralines = 0; textline1=' '; textline2=' '; %%%%% Do not modify anything below this line: %%%%% wikifile='InputQuizFile.txt'; quizarray =wikiquizToStringArray(wikifile); %this call fails firstpagedone = writefirstpage(quizarray,headertext,extralines, textline1,textline2); %secondpagedone = writetwoversion(quizarray,headertext); currently not needed quizarray =wikiquizToStringArray(wikifile); quizarray=removeheaders(quizarray); extralines = 1;%Insert 0, 1, or 2 lines into wikiquiz page. textline1=permalinktext; textline2=''; manypagesdone = write25versions(quizarray,headertext,extralines, textline1,textline2);