Loxdanš/Lesson 1

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In this lesson we will first get acquainted with the pronunciation of Low Danish, after which we will get to know some very basic facts about Low Danish nouns and verbs. As always, there will be vocabulary to be memorized.

How to pronounce Low Danish

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Low Danish is very easy to pronounce for most people. Here you will learn and pronounce the Low Danish Alphabet and words. The Alphabet goes as this:

Letter Pronunciation Name
A Like the a in father A
B Like the b in boat Be
D Like the d in dig De
Ð Like the th in this Ðe
E Like the a in ale E
Ë Like the i in mice Ë
F Like the f in find Fe
G Like the g in goat Ge
H Like the h in horse He
X Like the ch in acht Xe
I Like the ee in eel I
J Like the y in yes Je
K Like the k in comb Ke
L Like the l in lawn Le
M Like the m in moon Me
N Like the n in nose Ne
O Like the o in Ole O
Ø/Ö Like the ö in schön Ø
P Like the p in penny Pe
Q Like the q in al-aqsa Qe
R Like the r in röt Re
S Like the s in soap Se
Š Like the š in shall Še
T Like the t in teeth Te
U Like the oo in moo U
V Like the v in vase Ve
Y Like the ü in grün Y
Z Like the z in zebra Ze
Æ Like the e in hen Æ
Å Like the o in ost Å

• There is no C and W in Low Danish. C is replaced by either S or K, and W is replaced by either O or V, in which context it is written in.

• There is also an alternative alphabet for specifically keyboards that don’t support Š, Ð and Ë, these are replaced by SH, TH, and EI. Like Šol-> SHol.

Noun basics

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Here you will learn about the basics of a noun. All noun words start with uppercase letters. Definite letters start with ðe and indefinite letters start with ej, like ðe Trejo (the tree), and ej Trejo (a tree.). There are no grammatical genders in Loxdanš, but there is reference to 3rd person pronouns, like he, she, it.

When you are making them plural, you have two options, definite and indefinite. When you are making a definite article of a noun, it should always end with -esen no matter what. When you are making it indefinite, you end it with -es. So the word Trejo can be written ej Trejo, ðe Trejo, mer Trejoes and al Trejoesen.