Low Vision Rehabilitation/Principles of low vision rehabilitation

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Use this enquiry to learn the principles of low vision care with discussion of the reasons why patients do not access or have difficulty accessing services that could help them. You will also be introduced to the concept of low vision care within a multi-disciplinary team.

The estimated time commitment for this enquiry is 6-8 hours.

Multi-disciplinary approach

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Principles of low vision rehabilitation

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Through your patient, Mrs Thelma Scope, you have come to understand what the difference is between low vision, vision impairment and legal blindness. You have also considered the psychosocial and financial/economic impact of vision impairment.
The next task is to consider the key elements are of a low vision assessment and the principles of low vision rehabilitation. Once again, Thelma Scope's case study will assist your understanding of these concepts.


Watch the playlist related to Principles of Vision Rehabilitation.

Read the following articles:

These readings are essential to your understanding of the principles of low vision rehabilitation.

Service models and barriers to access

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Working with the members of your group, read the following two articles and answer the questions below.

  1. What is the definition of “low-vision” according to O’Connor?
  2. How does Matti define “low-vision rehabilitation”? Does this differ from what your perception of it had been? Explain.
  3. How many patients access low-vision services in Australia and what factors stop them from doing so?
  4. Describe the differences in the provision of low vision services across Australia and across different agencies, as indicated in the article by Matti.
  5. Briefly describe the referral process/patient journey as described by Matti. What criticisms/comments do you have about this process? How could it be improved?
  6. In the studies by Matti and O’Connor what are the main barriers that inhibit low-vision patients from accessing services?
  7. What do you think could be done to help improve access to low-vision rehabilitation services in Australia?