Low Vision Rehabilitation/Group assignment

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Group Assignment

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Group assignment - part 1

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Utilising the information presented to you in this subject and relevant references (including journal articles, text books and government reports) answer the questions related to the following scenario. Use an extended answer style format in your response to each question and include relevant APA style referencing. All your references should appear at the end of the essay. References are not included in the word count.

Work on this task with your whole group and submit the assignment as 1 single group submission of 1000 words (10% tolerance allowed). Upload your assignment using the tool on LMS.

This assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

  1. Analyse information about an ocular disease and determine the likely functional vision impairment.
  2. Describe barriers that prevent or limit access to low vision services.

Due date: Monday 8th September, 2014 - 5pm.

Background information:

You are an orthoptist working in a private ophthalmic practice in Melbourne. You see Grace, an 80 year old former teacher who has recently lost her sight due to AMD.

Case notes:

C/o difficulty seeing both near and distance for the past 6/12 since the onset of AMD in her LE.

POH: Atrophic AMD diagnosed 15 years ago RE

FH: 2 brothers with AMD (both have neovascular type)

GH: Hypertension, Rx Avapro and Osteo-arthritis Rx Ostelin

Social history: Lives alone (Rosebud, Victoria). Likes to garden and attends a local book club (thinks she might have to give this up because she can’t read the books they are discussing). Has a daughter but she lives 2 hours away, no other family close by.


1. What visual functions are associated with the macula? Consider these functions and predict the likely impact of AMD on Grace’s daily life (i.e. what is the AMD going to prevent her from doing? Explain)
2. Discuss the effect this sight loss might have on Grace’s well-being, both initially and over time.
3. Based on her vision, is Grace entitled to any social welfare entitlements? If so, explain which ones she may be entitled to and which criteria she needs to fulfill for each entitlement. You should clearly reference the appropriate government or support agency providing the entitlement.
4. You are unable to provide low vision intervention in your clinic but will need to refer Grace to a relevant low vision service. Where will you refer her and for what specific services? Explain using relevant information from the practitioner or agency to support your answer (Try to think more broadly, don’t just come up with the most obvious solution).
5. Will Grace experience any barriers to accessing a low vision service? If so, explain what these barriers may be and how these specifically relate to her life situation.

Group assignment - part 2

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Utilising the information presented to you in this subject you will engage in a case scenario posted to a prevalent and popular online forum "Yahoo Answers". Each group will be responsible for 1 case and you will be required to answer the questions posed by the "patient" posting to Yahoo Answers.

You should discuss the case with your whole group but you must submit at least 1 response of your own to the forum. You will be marked on your individual contribution and the overall team contribution. The answers on the forum should comprise at least 1000 words. This assessment is worth 30% of your overall mark in this subject.

This assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

  1. Interpret and integrate the results of a low vision assessment to inform management strategies.
  2. Evaluate ocular pathology and select and implement an appropriate low vision rehabilitation management strategy.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of an implemented low vision intervention appropriate to your patient.

Due date for final posting of responses: Friday 24th October 2014 - 5pm.

What is the purpose of this assessment?

As a health care professional, you will be required to have a global outlook and should contribute on a professional level to answer questions that patients may have about their health. Qualified orthoptists are currently involved in providing information to patients via "HealthShare" which is an online forum similar to "Yahoo Answers" but only for health professionals and potential patients. The skills you learn as part of this assessment will get you started on your road to global citizenship and promotion of your profession by highlighting your skills and knowledge.

Step 1

First, each student needs to create an account within Yahoo Answers. It would be best if you could use your real name so that I can identify you for marking purposes. You will find me there, my profile name is "Meri V", you might also like to use your first name and the initial of your last name as the identifier.

Step 2

Learn about how Yahoo Answers works, the community guidelines, points and levels etc.

Step 3

Each group will be assigned a case scenario and I will provide you with the link to the scenario. The scenarios will be open to you from week 6 up to the end of semester. You can find an example scenario here, but obviously the scenario you will be given will be low vision based. Part of the challenge will be answering the question/s posed by the "patient" but also working within Yahoo Answers where other web users not related to this subject might post answers. You might find that you need to correct these or if they are good answers you could even expand on them. The second answer (by Yong Min) is sufficiently detailed for a "pass" but the first one would not be sufficient. If you wanted a better mark you would need to include more detail and information/supporting evidence.

Step 4

Answer the question posed by the patient you've been assigned.


- You should regularly check Yahoo Answers for activity on your thread and post your answers accordingly. Try to stagger your responses over a few weeks. - You don't need to use referencing but if you think your answer could benefit from a reference, insert it or the link to it, accordingly. - If you're not sure about anything, just ask via the LMS discussion board.