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Linear mappings/Determination theorem/Projection image/Section

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Behind the following statement (the determination theorem) is the important principle, that in linear algebra (of finite dimensional vector spaces), the objects are determined by finitely many data.

Let be a field, and let and be -vector spaces. Let , , denote a basis of , and let , , denote elements in . Then there exists a unique linear mapping


Since we want and since a linear mapping respects all linear combinations, that is [1]

holds, and since every vector is such a linear combination, there can at most exist one such a linear mapping.
We define now a mapping

in the following way: we write every vector with the given basis as

(where for almost all ) and define

Since the representation of as such a linear combination is unique, this mapping is well-defined.
Linearity. For two vectors and , we have

The compatibility with scalar multiplication is shown in a similar way, see exercise.

In particular, a linear mapping is uniquely determined by .

In many situations, a certain object (like a cube) in space shall be drawn in the plane . One possibility is to work a projection. This is a linear mapping

which is given (with respect to the standard bases and ) by

where the coefficients are usually chosen in the range . Linearity has the effect that parallel lines are mapped to parallel lines (unless they are mapped to a point). The point is mapped to . The image of the object under such a linear mapping is called a projection image.

  1. If is an infinite index set, then, in all sums considered here, only finitely many coefficients are not .