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Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 8/refcontrol

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Exercise for the break

Determine the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the space of all -matrices.MDLD/matrices


Determine the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the solution space of the linear systemMDLD/linear system


in the variables .

Let be a field,MDLD/field and . Show that the set of all diagonal matricesMDLD/diagonal matrices is a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in the space of all -matricesMDLD/matrices over , and determine its dimension.MDLD/dimension (vs)

An -matrixMDLD/matrix

is called symmetric, if

holds for all .

Show that the set of all symmetricMDLD/symmetric (matrix) -matricesMDLD/matrices is a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in the space of all -matrices, and determine its dimension.MDLD/dimension (vs)

Let be a field,MDLD/field and . Show that the set of all upper triangular matricesMDLD/upper triangular matrices is a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in the space of all -matricesMDLD/matrices over , and determine its dimension.MDLD/dimension (vs)

===Exercise Exercise 8.6


Let be a field, and let be a -vector space of dimension . Suppose that vectors in are given. Prove that the following facts are equivalent.

  1. form a basis for .
  2. form a system of generators for .
  3. are linearly independent.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let be a -vector spaceMDLD/vector space of finite dimension.MDLD/dimension (fgvs) Let denote a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace with . Show that holds.

Let be real numbers. We consider the three vectors

Give examples for such that the linear subspace generated by these vectors has dimension .

Let be a field, and let and be two finite-dimensional vector spaces with


What is the dimension of the Cartesian product ?

Let be an -dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space ( a field), and let be linear subspacesMDLD/linear subspaces of dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) and . Suppose that holds. Show that .

Let be a field, and let denote the polynomial ringMDLD/polynomial ring (field 1) over . Let . Show that the set of all polynomials of degree is a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional (vs) linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace of . What is its dimension?MDLD/dimension (vs)

Show that the set of all real polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (field 1) of degreeMDLD/degree (polynomial) , which have a zero for and for , form a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in . Determine its dimension.MDLD/dimension (vs)

Let be a finite-dimensional vector space over the complex numbers, and let be a basis of . Prove that the family of vectors

form a basis for , considered as a real vector space.

Consider the standard basis in and the three vectors

Prove that these vectors are linearly independent, and extend them to a basis by adding an appropriate standard vector as shown in the base exchange theorem. Can one take any standard vector?

We consider the linear equationsMDLD/linear equations

over .

  1. Determine a basisMDLD/basis (vs) of the solution space of this linear system.
  2. Complete the basis to a basis of the solution space of the linear system consisting in the first two equations.
  3. Complete the basis to a basis of the solution space of the linear system consisting of the first equation alone.
  4. Complete the basis to a basis of the total space .

We consider the last digit in the basis multiplication table as a family of -tuples of length , that is, the row vectors in the matrix

What is the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in generated by these tuples?

===Exercise Exercise 8.17


Let be a field,MDLD/field and let be a -vector space.MDLD/vector space Show that can not have a finite basisMDLD/basis (vs) and an infinite basis.

The magic square in Dürer's picture Melencolia I.

An -matrixMDLD/matrix over a fieldMDLD/field is called a magic square (or linear-magic square over ), when every column sum and every row sum in the matrix equals a certain number


In this sense, the matrix

is, for every , a magic square.

Show that the set of all linear-magic squaresMDLD/linear-magic squares of length over a fieldMDLD/field is a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace in the space of all -matrices.MDLD/matrices


Let be a field, and let be a -vector space. Let be a family of vectors in , and let

be the linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace they span. Prove that the family is linearly independent if and only if the dimension of is exactly .

a) Determine the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the solution space of the linear systemMDLD/linear system

in the variables .

b) What is the dimension of the solution space, if we consider the system in the variables ?

Show that the set of all real polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (field 1) of degreeMDLD/degree (polynomial) , which have a zero at , at and at , is a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional subspaceMDLD/subspace (linear) of . Determine the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of this vector space.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and . Determine the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the space of all linear-magic squaresMDLD/linear-magic squares of length over .

Exercise (7 (3+2+1+1) marks) Create referencenumber

We consider the linear equationsMDLD/linear equations

over .

  1. Determine a basisMDLD/basis (vs) of the solution space of this linear system.
  2. Complete the basis to a basis of the solution space of the linear system consisting in the first two equations.
  3. Complete the basis to a basis of the solution space of the linear system consisting of the first equation alone.
  4. Complete the basis to a basis of the total space .

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