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Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 7

From Wikiversity

Exercise for the break

Give an example of three vectors in such that each two of them is linearly independent, but all three vectors together are linearly dependent.


Q^2/Non-trivial representation of 0/1/Exercise

Q^3/Non-trivial representation of 0/1/Exercise

Decide linear independence/Exercise

Show that the three vectors

in are linearly independent.

Linearly independent/Basis in linear subspace/Exercise

Basis of linear subspace/1/Exercise

Determine a basis for the solution space of the linear equation

Determine a basis for the solution space of the linear system of equations

Prove that in , the three vectors

are a basis.

Establish if in the two vectors

form a basis.

Let be a field. Find a linear system of equations in three variables, whose solution space is exactly

Linear subspaces/Intersection/(2 1 7), (4 -2 9) and (3 1 0), (5 2 -4)/Exercise

Let be a field, let be a -vector space and let , , be a family of vectors in . Prove the following facts.

  1. If the family is linearly independent, then for each subset , also the family  , is linearly independent.
  2. The empty family is linearly independent.
  3. If the family contains the null vector, then it is not linearly independent.
  4. If a vector appears several times in the family, then the family is not linearly independent.
  5. A vector is linearly independent if and only if .
  6. Two vectors and are linearly independent if and only if is not a scalar multiple of and vice versa.

Linear subspace/Q^n/Integer basis/Exercise

Let be a field, let be a -vector space, and let , be a family of vectors in . Let , be a family of elements in . Prove that the family , , is linearly independent (a system of generators of , a basis of ), if and only if the same holds for the family , .

Vector space/Addition in coordinate system/Independence of basis/Exercise

K^n/Multiplication in coordinate system/Not compatible/Exercise

Vector space/Countable basis/Flags/Exchange/Exercise

Polynomial ring/Basis/Sum polynomials/Exercise

Vector space/Characterizations of basis/Maximal/Minimal/Infinite-dimensional/Exercise

Prim numbers/Logarithms/Linearly independent/Tip/Exercise

Theorem of Hamel/Examples/Exercise

Ordered field/Sequences/Zero sequences as linear subspace/1 over n and 1 over n^2/Exercise


Exercise (2 marks)

Establish if in the three vectors

form a basis.

Exercise (2 marks)

Establish if in the two vectors

form a basis.

Matrices/Standard matrices/Basis/Exercise

Exercise (4 marks)

Let be the -dimensional standard vector space over , and let be a family of vectors. Prove that this family is a -basis of if and only if the same family, considered as a family in , is a -basis of .

Exercise (3 marks)

Let be a field, and let

be a nonzero vector. Find a linear system of equations in variables with equations, whose solution space is exactly

Polynomial ring/Basis/Linear form product/Exercise

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