LearnIt/Concurrent Programming
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Selected stuff (Books)
[edit | edit source]There are too many platforms and languages with multithreading support. Let's first of all bring here the books which matter, rather than yet another boring platform-specific manual.
- "The Little Book of Semaphores", Allen B. Downey [get free] -- good for acquiring an intuition on solving of basic (and not so basic) synchronization problems using old good semaphores.
- "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming", Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit [amazon] -- this book is mostly dedicated to the lock-free synchronization and other advanced topics rather than basic synchronization methods.
- Any good book on condvars?
[edit | edit source]OpenMP, MPI, TBB, TPL, Cilk, Cilk plus, OpenCL, PPL, ParaSail, GCD, fork/join, AMP, CnC, PBB, ArBB, PPL