Introduction to psychology/Psy102/Assessment/Essay/General feedback/Dreams

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General feedback for the dream topic essays

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Good points

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  1. Most essays mentioned Freud/Jung and the neurobiological theory and another, so generally a good coverage of theories in most essays.
  2. Nearly all included abstracts and interesting titles (some very funny and unique)
  3. Vast improvement in essay structure from psych 101 essays
  4. Introductions were done fairly well across the essays
  5. Overall they were generally done really well.

Need improvement

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  1. Research could have been done more extensively, most essays focused on theory and only touched on research.
  2. APA was still an issue for a lot of the essays, both style and referencing. This was perplexing as you have provided a template!
  3. Students need to remember the essays do not use personal pronouns.
  4. Also a huge amount used upwards of 8 quotes which I think is too many, the most i counted was 16 in one essay which i doubt made the word count.
  5. Some students included tables and pictures and following the criteria more stringently is important.
  6. Conclusions on average needed to be stronger and more than a few sentences. Some student did not state their position from the argument they presented.