Introduction to Tactics/Non-combat formations

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Summary[edit | edit source]

This object of this class is to teach students about Non-combat formations and their usage

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this class we will learn about the various kinds of Non-combat formations, their benefits and drawbacks, and when they should be used.

Readings[edit | edit source]

This will delineate the readings that should be done prior to undertaking the exercises in this class.

Lecture[edit | edit source]

In route[edit | edit source]

Column[edit | edit source]

Staggered Column[edit | edit source]

Single File[edit | edit source]

In Camp[edit | edit source]

3-6-9 Triangle

Project[edit | edit source]

Apply the lessons learned above to aerial formations, separate out the non-combat formations, and list them above in a section for aerial.

Denouement[edit | edit source]

You should now be familiar with the types of non-combat formations that are relevant to all kinds of units. Please help improve this class.