Introduction to Italian/Lesson 11

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Can and must are covered in this section.


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The infinitive potere is an irregular verb meaning can or may. Technically it is an auxiliary verb and so must be paired with an infinitive. Per esempio:
Io posso mangiare una foccacina se ho voglia (I can eat a scone if I want to).
Potere is, as previously stated, and irregular verb. Here is a conjugation chart:

Complete Word
Infinitive potere
First Person posso
Second Person puoi
Third Person può
First Person
Second Person
Third Person


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Dovere is an irregular verb meaning must or have (have as in I have to...). Like potere it is an auxiliary verb used with an infinitive:
Io devo mangiare una foccacina (I must eat a scone)
Io devo prendere del tè con la mia foccacina (I must have some tea with my scone)
Here is the conjugation chart for dovere:

Complete Word
Infinitive dovere
First Person devo or debbo
Second Person devi
Third Person deve
First Person
Second Person
Third Person
devono or debbono

NB. When dovere is used in a conditional tense it means should or should have.